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2018-11-10 01:37:24 UTC

our lizard brain

2018-11-10 01:37:28 UTC


2018-11-10 01:37:47 UTC

that's what creates the urge to have and raise kids

2018-11-10 01:37:50 UTC

the little brain is overpowering, some times

2018-11-10 01:38:07 UTC

hell that's what urges us to talk to women in the first place

2018-11-10 01:38:08 UTC

I'm certainly feeling that with raging hormones and what not

2018-11-10 01:38:15 UTC


2018-11-10 01:38:22 UTC

gets real annoying sometimes

2018-11-10 01:38:22 UTC

Use that desire to pass on wisdom and channel it into yourself, hold yourself to the standards you would want your kid to

2018-11-10 01:38:42 UTC

Make sure you are staying consistent to your own values

2018-11-10 01:39:09 UTC

lol - what are you guys' words of wisdom that you'd give your son - if you had one

2018-11-10 01:39:14 UTC

@Daribig as a man I hold no loyalty to any banner or ideology. But with family I have something worth dying for and because of that I have something worth living for.

2018-11-10 01:39:24 UTC

well that's a tough one

2018-11-10 01:39:30 UTC

@Null beautiful man

2018-11-10 01:39:56 UTC

@Null family? you mean jsut a child?

2018-11-10 01:40:09 UTC

@Daribig you are never truly alive unless you have something like that. A family.

2018-11-10 01:40:11 UTC

Now your mission lies ahead of you
As it did mine so long ago
To help the helpless ones who all look up to you
And to defend them to the end

Not what I would say but a good song

2018-11-10 01:40:22 UTC

Defender by manowar

2018-11-10 01:40:47 UTC


2018-11-10 01:40:53 UTC

I'm still new to this stuff so I probably can't give too solid words of wisdom but it would probably be something along the lines of running cost benefit analysis on everything

2018-11-10 01:41:24 UTC

20 days of NNN still left omfg

2018-11-10 01:41:24 UTC

@batshadow that's like 80% of it

2018-11-10 01:41:40 UTC

wish i heard that before going into uni - nice one batshadow

2018-11-10 01:41:48 UTC


2018-11-10 01:41:50 UTC

We can do it mates.

2018-11-10 01:42:03 UTC

The idea of analyzing life is very interesting to me, sort of the ideal of being rational and maintaining your reason at all times

2018-11-10 01:42:15 UTC

trying not to be overwhelmed by emotions or desire

2018-11-10 01:42:18 UTC

Risk/ reward that's very heavily weighed towards risk

2018-11-10 01:42:22 UTC

Thats why I am doing NNN tbh

2018-11-10 01:42:28 UTC


2018-11-10 01:43:08 UTC

at the moment I just want to acquire as much relevant knowledge as possible

2018-11-10 01:43:14 UTC

@Aristorien yeah after you cut out fapping things start to get surreal

2018-11-10 01:43:19 UTC

@batshadow what's relevant to you?

2018-11-10 01:43:23 UTC

I just ordered Gorge Orwell's 1984

2018-11-10 01:43:26 UTC

relevant knowledge*

2018-11-10 01:43:41 UTC

Should be a good read @batshadow

2018-11-10 01:43:45 UTC

That's something I'm still trying to figure out so rip

2018-11-10 01:43:53 UTC

But knowledge is meaningless unless you can apply it, thats why I think the mind body and spirit trifecta is so important

2018-11-10 01:43:59 UTC

@Aristorien that's why shit posting helps calm the mind because you can express thoughts that otherwise would have to be suppressed

2018-11-10 01:44:07 UTC

@batshadow you ordered?! Noob! Just pirate!

2018-11-10 01:44:25 UTC

Itโ€™s free on iBooks probably

2018-11-10 01:44:37 UTC

***face desk***

2018-11-10 01:44:38 UTC

@Null This, I had an experience today where I was able to talk to someone about a hobby I had a while ago. Really lifeted a weight off my shoulders

2018-11-10 01:44:40 UTC


2018-11-10 01:44:45 UTC

too late to turn back now

2018-11-10 01:44:58 UTC

guess I'll just keep the paperback and re-read it to the ground

2018-11-10 01:45:01 UTC

especially from being isolated for a long time

2018-11-10 01:45:07 UTC

lots of suppressed thoughts

2018-11-10 01:45:19 UTC

@Daribig relevant knowledge is like wisdom. Which is to say it's the understanding of underlying concepts and seeing them in places where they aren't obvious

2018-11-10 01:45:48 UTC

i've been contemplating what brings intrinsic happiness in my life, and anyone's life, and i've come to the untested conclusion that being able to satisfy your curiosity through innovation is what brings me happiness = thoughts?

2018-11-10 01:45:55 UTC

@Kazemaru not everyone has huehue hacker skills

2018-11-10 01:46:30 UTC

@Daribig Satisfying curiosity is important to following your own way in life

2018-11-10 01:46:38 UTC

it is important that you don't let it come to nothing though

2018-11-10 01:46:44 UTC

We like challenge, and are unhappy if it's too easy. SO, you're onto something @Daribig

2018-11-10 01:46:51 UTC

you have to turn it into something productive, a sort of vocation

2018-11-10 01:47:30 UTC

I find that intensely focusing on anything balances the spirit

2018-11-10 01:47:45 UTC

@Null one can always increase huehue skils

2018-11-10 01:47:56 UTC

I mean

2018-11-10 01:48:00 UTC

carnal desires and women only get it the way of your calling and sets you off balance

2018-11-10 01:48:00 UTC

i've been thinking about the state of 'flow' and how being able to control when you can dip in and out of 'flow' would be one of the greatest skills to learn - anyone done some background reading on flow state or entering deep focus at will

2018-11-10 01:48:05 UTC

I ***am*** trying to program for a reason

2018-11-10 01:48:09 UTC


2018-11-10 01:48:21 UTC

@Daribig Have you watched HHH's video on the art of peace?

2018-11-10 01:48:30 UTC

@Daribig @Aristorien most likely it's the mental stimulation. But too much can be dangerous, I think it can cause you to go mad if you don't get a reality check every now and then by talking to people

2018-11-10 01:48:33 UTC

I already ordered the book because of his video

2018-11-10 01:49:03 UTC

The best way to supress the sex drive fire is knowing female nature, @Aristorien

2018-11-10 01:49:08 UTC

@Null Ive gone into some strange places from looking into the abyss

2018-11-10 01:49:13 UTC

but I've always come out better

2018-11-10 01:49:14 UTC

@Aristorien i have not, i'll give it a watch ty

2018-11-10 01:49:22 UTC
2018-11-10 01:49:23 UTC

I've been practicing meditation, can attest that flow state is powerful, and control over that is a level of focus that would be huge

2018-11-10 01:49:56 UTC

@Roundabout Lout yoga is good too

2018-11-10 01:50:07 UTC

@Daribig learning meditative breathing patterns are helpful and knowing when to do them

2018-11-10 01:50:18 UTC

@Kazemaru This, I still find my self "being tempted" around women but if I always maintain my presence of mind I can let go of these distractions

2018-11-10 01:50:27 UTC

remind myself that I am looking at a deception

2018-11-10 01:50:53 UTC

I'll have to try yoga, I hear it makes regular life seem less stressful @Kazemaru

2018-11-10 01:51:02 UTC

A way I look at it is just evaluate things with absence of emotional thinking

2018-11-10 01:51:19 UTC

@Aristorien great! You sir just dodged a lot a bullets like that

2018-11-10 01:51:32 UTC

@Roundabout Lout I really want to look into yoga but I can't find any good resources, most of the stuff out there seems to be made from single moms

2018-11-10 01:51:39 UTC

@Aristorien I have come to the conclusion women will never want me because my personality is too cold for them and I am too average in looks. Effectively taking me out of the dating game. With that weight off my shoulders I feel pretty good

2018-11-10 01:51:59 UTC

same @Null

2018-11-10 01:52:11 UTC

@Roundabout Lout its does indeed. But dont do it at night, or you will have problems to sleep

2018-11-10 01:52:19 UTC


2018-11-10 01:52:27 UTC

being average in looks is a blessing

2018-11-10 01:52:33 UTC

someone mentioned earlier that dedicating your life to a trade can bring meaning and fulfilment - what trades would you guys enter for a lifetime? for it's me developing software due to it's endless avenues of leanring

2018-11-10 01:52:46 UTC

it brings humility and the ability to distance yourself from the game

2018-11-10 01:52:47 UTC


2018-11-10 01:52:58 UTC

@Aristorien lol, I'm not surprised thots would like making yoga videos. Tops showing cleavage are seemingly helpful in their yoga practice ๐Ÿค”

2018-11-10 01:53:03 UTC

@Daribig carpentry has a huge scope you could get into

2018-11-10 01:53:06 UTC

lmao yeah

2018-11-10 01:53:10 UTC

@Daribig carpentry

2018-11-10 01:53:58 UTC

@Daribig You would have to find a way to develop software that is meaningful to you personaly, from what I have heard many people get into a cycle of working for a corporation on projects they hate

2018-11-10 01:54:12 UTC

I'm getting into programming games so I got that, if not then I'll be changing the strings on my guitar soon so I can try that as well.

2018-11-10 01:54:12 UTC

Only did wood shop in high school, sucked at it then, but still have a desire to own a small wood shop, very satisfying to gain utility out of that craft

2018-11-10 01:54:18 UTC

the words labor and work are derived from words relating to pain and slavery

2018-11-10 01:54:29 UTC

while vocation or calling means something entirely different

2018-11-10 01:54:56 UTC

@Aristorien true, right now i only code during my free time so i'll have to take that into account when applying for jobs

2018-11-10 01:55:02 UTC

@Daribig leather working and tailoring is also pretty neat

2018-11-10 01:55:27 UTC

@Daribig Are you self taught?

2018-11-10 01:55:40 UTC

If or when I can afford it I may just get into blacksmithing cause I've always found that and medieval stuff pretty neato

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