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2018-10-19 08:13:48 UTC

Do you get any server bonuses from being a patron?

2018-10-19 08:13:55 UTC

Unless men take back what should be ours in the first place

2018-10-19 08:14:00 UTC

Heh its not feminists

2018-10-19 08:14:11 UTC

Theyre like a hammer, a tool

2018-10-19 08:14:17 UTC

I see the Patron Tavern but thats it.

2018-10-19 08:14:20 UTC

They have lots of tools

2018-10-19 08:14:36 UTC

And simps as slaves

2018-10-19 08:14:39 UTC

Money is biggest right now and its all an illusion... Crazy shit

2018-10-19 08:15:01 UTC

@BlaqShiep Goldman Sachs publicly stated that bitcoin is never coming back, meanwhile they're setting up to be balls deep in crypto themselves

2018-10-19 08:15:08 UTC

Hell of a fucking trick. Now you see it now you dont shit

2018-10-19 08:15:09 UTC

what does that tell you

2018-10-19 08:15:23 UTC


2018-10-19 08:15:28 UTC

Maybe man

2018-10-19 08:15:49 UTC

@Mysteriedingens hhaha great pic

2018-10-19 08:15:59 UTC
2018-10-19 08:16:04 UTC

If you think about it, for a socialist society to work they need a slave class. I.E. simp male or all males according to feminism.

2018-10-19 08:16:32 UTC

Yeah lots of tools

2018-10-19 08:17:26 UTC

in capitalism, everybody in a normal family starts as a simp and the quest is to get out of that state

2018-10-19 08:18:07 UTC

Capitalism unfortunately doesnt work

2018-10-19 08:18:22 UTC

it does

2018-10-19 08:18:27 UTC

The hierarchy exagerates and the top exploit

2018-10-19 08:18:38 UTC

@BlaqShiep that is the normal state of things

2018-10-19 08:18:46 UTC

Lool at like china and how bad work conditions can become

2018-10-19 08:18:54 UTC

if you leveld the playing field back to everyone being equal, it'd be only a matter of time before the pareto distribution kicks in again

2018-10-19 08:19:01 UTC

if you are too weak to swing yourself up there, then it doesnt work for you

2018-10-19 08:19:06 UTC

Moneu manipulates everything, with money you can prevent others from getting money

2018-10-19 08:19:08 UTC

equality of outcome is bullshit

2018-10-19 08:19:13 UTC


2018-10-19 08:19:19 UTC


2018-10-19 08:19:53 UTC

Well ofc equality of outcomr is bullshit

2018-10-19 08:19:53 UTC

Just because you and I are good people and don't wish misery or exploitation on others, doesn't mean millions of others aren't psychos

2018-10-19 08:20:03 UTC

unfortunately not a thing we can fight

2018-10-19 08:20:03 UTC

But thats so obvious and over done

2018-10-19 08:20:21 UTC

as @Mysteriedingens said, you need to swing yourself up

2018-10-19 08:20:22 UTC

A mix is best but hard to stop corruption

2018-10-19 08:20:51 UTC

If you guys want to get a little bit ahead, even just a bit

2018-10-19 08:21:02 UTC

I do recommend you read about what's happening with xrp and xlm

2018-10-19 08:21:07 UTC

it's an exciting time

2018-10-19 08:21:21 UTC

sure it's a gamble, but all the major financial institutions are gearing up to jump on board crypto big time

2018-10-19 08:21:36 UTC

and ripple has been building partnerships and rolling out their global network for years

2018-10-19 08:21:41 UTC


2018-10-19 08:21:44 UTC

it goes live next month, expecting bull run soon after

2018-10-19 08:21:51 UTC


2018-10-19 08:22:06 UTC

People like you make me laugh man

2018-10-19 08:22:09 UTC

It costs you nothing to look into it

2018-10-19 08:22:41 UTC

Im sure its going to be favorable brother i dont disbelieve you

2018-10-19 08:22:48 UTC

@BlaqShiep I've already been there and done that with the end of the world shit, the federal reserve, fractional reserve banking system, rothschilds, zeitgeist, all of it

2018-10-19 08:22:56 UTC

I'm more optimistic for the future than you

2018-10-19 08:23:10 UTC

I am optimistic for the far futer

2018-10-19 08:23:15 UTC

I've evolved beyond that despair mindset

2018-10-19 08:23:17 UTC

200 years

2018-10-19 08:23:22 UTC

So have i

2018-10-19 08:23:24 UTC

you'll be dead in 200 years

2018-10-19 08:23:33 UTC

Again strawman

2018-10-19 08:23:44 UTC

You certainly love using the word strawman

2018-10-19 08:23:46 UTC

Im not in despair

2018-10-19 08:23:52 UTC

You sure love doing it

2018-10-19 08:23:58 UTC

Its ignorant as hell

2018-10-19 08:24:02 UTC

I told you I evolved past that despair mindset, I spoke about my own actions in that statement

2018-10-19 08:24:09 UTC

now who's fucking strawmanning

2018-10-19 08:24:15 UTC

I'm done, goodnight

2018-10-19 08:24:15 UTC

Dude you def said something about me

2018-10-19 08:24:21 UTC


2018-10-19 08:26:54 UTC

Thats a far left tactic btw @Shaunuss "spoke about your actions" when you know damn well in the context of the lines before what you were saying. I had every right to accuse you of what you know you did.

2018-10-19 09:45:00 UTC

Conflict on the Server , ( Gasp )

2018-10-19 09:48:51 UTC

Fighting = Two Opposing Forces trying Kill each other over the Right of Ones THoughts Vs. Arguing is to Bring the other person to your Side (persuasion) Through Sheer Reasoning/ Exp.
So Which is it.

War does not Determine who is right or wrong. Only Who is LEFT Standing.

2018-10-19 09:49:37 UTC

When People Get into the Name Calling or Cussing , is When you Lose Base of Argument

2018-10-19 09:52:41 UTC

One Thing Women Can do Better than Men, is Too Conform For an Easier Life. ( Survival at its Finest )
however, Us Men Lack Unity. Because the More Manly We Become the Easier it is to Fight with one another.

2018-10-19 09:55:46 UTC

well fighting does not men that there is wars

2018-10-19 09:56:54 UTC

No, but fighting can lead to war

2018-10-19 09:57:04 UTC

the real seed of grief and cold revenge is in the hands of women. Which is stealthy manipulation. If you watch game of thrones, they depict this really good

2018-10-19 09:57:53 UTC

little Finger Was the King of Manipulation, the Writers Fucked up his Death, he Should be the Last to die

2018-10-19 09:58:30 UTC

i understand this men are better at backstabbing (ironically) but it is not in their nature

2018-10-19 09:58:58 UTC

Not in their Nature?? then why does it happen

2018-10-19 09:59:38 UTC

im not sure about the details anymore cause its been a time but little finger was all about money in the series right?

2018-10-19 10:00:09 UTC

no, he's all about power, ( he's a worm )

2018-10-19 10:01:40 UTC

oh okay i remember

2018-10-19 10:02:14 UTC

Listen , I don't Care if i offend anyone here, But Male Nature Can BE JUST AS BAD AS WOMEN, you people are blind if you can't see that.

2018-10-19 10:04:09 UTC

I agree but there is a important thing to differentiate

2018-10-19 10:05:31 UTC

in my life yet. i experienced betrayals on both ends of the spectrum

2018-10-19 10:06:22 UTC

and generally backstabbings of men are planned in detail and hit you harder

2018-10-19 10:06:47 UTC

women are impulsive, they dont make up a plan for it. They could drop you in the blink of an eye.

2018-10-19 10:07:08 UTC

thats my personal experience

2018-10-19 10:07:33 UTC

Thats why i say it is in their nature. A man typically has a agenda

2018-10-19 10:07:54 UTC

is it really Backstabbing tho, they know what they are doing and the Benefits of Screwing you over. You let him hurt you if you gave him power in the First place

2018-10-19 10:07:58 UTC

beware of the cock carousel

2018-10-19 10:08:44 UTC

@ZODD thats a statement you can give about both genders

2018-10-19 10:09:18 UTC

Yeah Don't Trust People.

2018-10-19 10:10:28 UTC

Did you get backstabbed by a dude yet?
Most of them do it because others told them to, influenced and indoctrinated them.

2018-10-19 10:10:43 UTC

I had a few friends blocking each other because of women

2018-10-19 10:10:48 UTC

best friends

2018-10-19 10:11:08 UTC

after they both got burned they noticed that they were only puppets of their game

2018-10-19 10:11:21 UTC

i have been , He felt nothing about it. ( I was utterly Shocked )

2018-10-19 10:11:39 UTC

yeah that's why i try not to do any business with my best friend's LTR

2018-10-19 10:12:30 UTC

@ZODD If you end up with a guy having strong mental problems himself, that might aswell happen. But usually you can sense that something's off even before

2018-10-19 10:13:28 UTC

No , This was about a Friend Borrowing Money , And i learned he was piece of shit . ( end of story)

2018-10-19 10:13:47 UTC

Borrowing money haha, thats a good topic

2018-10-19 10:14:26 UTC

There's a difference between borrowing money and "borrowing" money

2018-10-19 10:14:38 UTC

Good Topic?? its a life lesson, never ask for money, never let someone borrow Money.

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