Sean KS
@PF-357296 RocketChat ID: 3Qa25yPYpnsoQnK52
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although this Saturday I've got something from 3:30-6:30
@Mark MO What time did you have in mind?
How about tomorrow at 7PM during my break?
I'll set one up that isn't linked to my identity and get back to you
Saturday and Sunday
@Mark MO That works fine for me
careful, the bossman doesn't like us speakin' filthy foreign languages like German
sure it used to be the de facto second language of the country, but we don't want anyone thinking we're Nazis, now do we?
might be late for the meeting, not sure yet
probably going to miss it entirely, I have an unavoidable obligation that is taking much longer to complete than it ought
probably will miss the meeting, will you be online around 9ish?
Just got home
I didn't save the link for the Victory site, can you send it to me?
Hi, I'm needing to have my new Mumble account authenticated
I'm using the desktop client
just sent the request to Vincent TX
Put the money you owe me into the pot
Welcome to all the new lads!
I'm given to understand that I'll be the nearest comrade to you
If you want to give me a general idea of the times and dates that you're available to meet up, I'd be more than happy to do so and help you get integrated into our regional
the Great Plains powerhouse grows
with the help of men like @Logan MO we shall increase the empire of the Heartland
well, I'm generally only available in the mornings and early afternoons on weekdays, since I work 2nd shift
so weekends will probably work best
Would you like to meet up on Sunday?
I'm down for w/e on Saturday, @Mark MO
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