Jim MA

@PF-694667 RocketChat ID: s5Y4Qi6YcMYm3RtBS

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Status report requested from Henry


Status report requested from Henry

Thank you America Or Communist very cool

Arrived back at my vehicle and got the lady, thank you Victor and everyone else with transport. I think I've earned some Honey Dew after this weekend

Love the tree bill. We'll be decorating our place later tonight too

Hey Henry, I apologize for being a little cold earlier during our departure. I was a bit angry with something that was said in the car. We did great this weekend and as usual proud of the work from nw7. I'll see you soon bro but I'll be talking to you sooner

I'll lost those now


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These people calling us feds are the same ones to be part of the Q army



Concord, Ma 1/2

Pics will come later

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Stickered Hudson Ma and Ayer Ma 3/2

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Sunday 1am to 2am would be best for me, going to my grandparents this sunday

Also how's the car situation?

Contact can't continue if it never started, understood. Also quality over quantity is often the way to go in my opinion

Currently mapping out locations in every town to promat in Middlesex County, I didn't realize there was 51 towns included in the county. I've done 8 so far leaving 43 left to be done. A team effort on this would definitely be beneficial

Yessir, I'm forced into remembering now that I got rid of RC

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Wasn't infowars quoting the SPLC on what PF is?

I have some I can look for, they are at my old place and I won't be there until Sunday. They are not baofeng, i forget the brand. Nonprogrammable with like 16 preset frequencies

Possible drop site, parking could be Littleton lumber right at the beginning of the lot

Might be even more discreet parking for this spot along the same highway. Parking could be Littleton personal storage

I'll just start compiling a file with locations of locations for activism and send it every now and then. Any preferred way of doing so?

Thats not a bad idea. I have a list going now with random pins and the folder is just called floppa.

Framingham state university 1/3

Maynard Ma 2/3

I was up for a solid like 36 hours from saturday am to Sunday pm, I'm sure you could say the same bill. There's your answer to why you've been sleeping so much


We in boys

Heading out in a minute. How well do you think this'll work in the rain?

Based and weatherpilled

Just arrived

If you're cold you can hop in my car

Home depot?

Everything is wonderful today lads

Abington, Ma 3/3

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Uh yeah wanted to share this

I mean who else would it be?

Mumble instructions - it said to review instructions on the victory site, is that victory.patriotfront.us ? Because my credentials don't allow me to log into that

I'll reach out now

Hey Thomas, my log in credentials don't let me access the victory site. Could I get assistance with that please

Yo did Henry send you what I sent him last night?

Asking cause I want leadership right above me to atleast acknowledge it, it's not something I'm going to just casually mention infront of others

Yes I can do that, I was waiting for a better pic taken during an action but I've yet to get one. Let me find something more suitable

Just changed it to something from a previous org, if it's still not suitable let me know

I'll send it give me a moment

Dusting for prints ain't nothing compared to 30 pieces of silver

I had a normal black one on and a hat but yeah the photo is bad. I'm not worried I'm totally unknown out in this area. Seems like the only charge could be vandalism as stated in the article

Yes I'm ready to take down the new password

Got it

Lmao very tempting to just take the charge and get a few grand out of it

The bounty was probably influenced by an outside party. To drop that much money from college fund is excessive

I can log back into here but victory is still inaccessible

I had just logged out of here and logged back in to confirm the info I am using is correct, which it is; I'm sending this message. So I'm unsure of why I can't get into victory. I doubt it's a 2FA preventing me from doing so

I changed my password, on victory I have tried both the temp one you gave me and the new password I created


Ya know what I hate, I left my car running and the parking light were on. I placed one sticker a ways away and a min or so later a shaved headed woman rolled up and hollered at me telling me I left my lights on, so she saw me leave the car

My lady was actually in the car, nobody came over to it prior to me being told about the lights being on. I had her kill the engine

Yeah my level of worry is still that of what it was earlier when we talked

Just a bit "exciting" seeing it

I had been keeping an eye out for that too but with no avail. I went by there yesterday. Kinda hard to tell it was hit unless you're really looking at it

I'm keeping an eye out for a fire extinguisher for the network

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It still is not working for me

Any idea why I can't log into victory? I had my info reset so the credentials should be right

Thomas sent me back to you regarding this


Yes and yes

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