(DM) Vincent TX & Jim MA

RocketChat ID: NBdfiasKL46nyvAyXs5Y4Qi6YcMYm3RtBS

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Jim MA @PF-694667

Mumble instructions - it said to review instructions on the victory site, is that victory.patriotfront.us ? Because my credentials don't allow me to log into that

Vincent TX @PF-4354

The credentials should be the same as on here

Vincent TX @PF-4354

If you are having issues, message Thomas about that

Jim MA @PF-694667

I'll reach out now

Jim MA @PF-694667

Any idea why I can't log into victory? I had my info reset so the credentials should be right

Jim MA @PF-694667

Thomas sent me back to you regarding this

Vincent TX @PF-4354

Can you tell me what username you are using

Jim MA @PF-694667


Vincent TX @PF-4354

Is that what you typically use?

Vincent TX @PF-4354

Are you opening it in a web browser?

Jim MA @PF-694667

Yes and yes

Jim MA @PF-694667

I don't know If there was anything new that's been done since we last talk, if so an update: it still won't let me log in

Vincent TX @PF-4354

I have had similar reports from other people. Let me talk to Thomas about having it reset

Vincent TX @PF-4354

I will try to reset your password. Let me know when you are ready.

Jim MA @PF-694667

Thomas had reset my password yesterday but we can give it another shot. I'm ready to receive my temp password

Vincent TX @PF-4354

It will be Jimbo12

Jim MA @PF-694667


Jim MA @PF-694667

Before I logged back in here and reset the password I tried victory with Jimbo12 to no avail

Jim MA @PF-694667

I'll try with the new password

Jim MA @PF-694667

New one doesn't do anything either

Vincent TX @PF-4354

Sometimes it takes a bit

Vincent TX @PF-4354

Let me know if you still have issues later

Vincent TX @PF-4354

Are you getting a specific error?

Jim MA @PF-694667

Invalid username or password and it tells me to turn off 2FA if it's in use

Jim MA @PF-694667

I am logged into mumble now just need verification

Vincent TX @PF-4354

I will be on intermittently throughout the night

Jim MA @PF-694667

Am I required to do something else to get verification on mumble other than join the server

Vincent TX @PF-4354

No you are verified now

Jim MA @PF-694667

Rad thank you

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