Wayne FL
@PF-412355 RocketChat ID: R3CbzX3b69SPHh5Qb
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I asked but they aren’t local
and I’m confirmed for December
I am too
Apologies for not mentioning it earlier, but I work from 16:30-00:00 tonight
Thank you
Yessir I’ll ask him
Phillip to get to our action, how about you Uber to my place the night before, and then we can go early in the morning?
Asked him about him taking an Uber rather than me getting him and then going
I do not
Uber to my place
That’s what I’m planning on doing
Tomorrow night I’ll have you go to my apartment. My roommate will be there and I’ll be there later that night
All good
Philip called off tomorrow
He said his schedule is full tomorrow
I would try to get a little sleep if possible as I got kff
work at 2 am
On my way
Had to stop and eat and wake up
about 15 minutes away
I’m at the gate
Y’all are in a parking lot I assume?
Thank you to all y’all for taking the time to come to Sebring and special thanks to @Arthur FL and @Ulysses FL for showing us all proper marching. Truly grateful and we’ve all left today as better men.
What’s done is done. Just be careful and keep making progress because you don’t want to risk losing membership
Good. I’m talking about your license and a car though
Authorities aren’t impressed with your progress
As per usual, I’ll have to forego the meeting tonight as I work.
Trained legs earlier. Got a pretty decent pump and I feel like they are finally growing.

I am very physically capable. I do not have any equipment though
I have the foam leg guards for wrestling and that’s about it😂
Eat like your big
and lift heavy weight with good form😂
climbing is still great. I wish I was able to do more
Understood. I’ll purchase them ASAP
I have the chin strap en route, but I can’t figure out how to purchase the leg guards. It sends me back here
It says room not found
Did an early morning sticker run today. It felt very nice being out before dawn
Will these work?
I’ve tried multiple times
Nevermind. Fixed it hopefully
If it is going to be cold then isn’t there a jacket I can get?
if so I need the link
And I dunno if any of this is gonna get here in time
BTW something interesting happened today
I had a sticker on the pier at FMB and some kid peeled it off and started wearing it
They are ordered. I can’t guarantee they’ll get here in time though
Understandable. And in any case I’ll still be fully prepared for the next event
Yeah I was surprised. But yeah based
FMB is definitely over saturated with stickers though
For sure. I didn’t realize just how much Phillip stuckernd when
stickered when he went there
Jacket and gloves will be here before the action, but I am unsure about the chin strap and knee guards.
I notified James TX about ti
And can I get a rundown on all I’ll be missing this meeting? Any critical need to know info if you can please.
They are ordered. Haven’t received notice of them being shipped yet😐
They messed up the address🤣
It’s not easy to mess up either
Be there around 11
11 pm
Yeah I just posted in activism. Must be why
and thank you
I have work all nighy
i will basically have to get off work and drive to the location
Either should work fine
if you need call me via telegram and I can direct you
My brother will be at the apartment. I will be there layer
Yeah we only have dickies and they had nothing for hockey when I went in
I’ll try to be out around midnight
Donatello will be around for you when you get to the house. Just knock. There will be food if you need as well.
I’ll definitely be there before 4pm
thats not a problem
Haven’t responded
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