Tyler MD

@PF-179192 RocketChat ID: 3MgK8AdjDMWGEtSvb

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I don't have them yet but I'll now prioritize it

No, I'll do so

Shamefully yes but I'm finding the money as soon as I can

I have $8 I can spend


@WillRing0009 is my venmo

It means a lot

Our ND leads from the front

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Either would be fine

No, I really want to

Absolutely thanks man

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Sometime tonight after our NW meeting ends at 10 would be fine, if that's not too late for yall and Grant. Or for me any evening before Thanksgiving is fine

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You too bro. Feeling thankful for PF and what it gives us all, what it does for our people


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1/7 Fayetteville, PA

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2/7 Metro System, Washington, DC

How are you bro? Only a few days now to the event! I'm pumped

I keep hearing that and I await with bated breath to see what that means. I'm grateful to be on shields again

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3/7 Woodley Park, Washington, DC

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4/7 National Zoo, Washington, DC

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5/7 Adams Morgan, Washington, DC

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6/7 Kalorama Park, Washington, DC

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7/7 Rockville, MD

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iphone chaim format

@Kenneth VA @Harrison VA look alive gents


I'm traveling with Grant. I am camping. Thanks for the gear, it is massively appreciated. A groin guard occurred to me as well. I'll look into it

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W/ Mrs. Tyler MD


1/10 Catholic University, Washington, DC

Meeting on Mumble

Grant is explaining now

We're a youth group hiking these trails

What is protocol for collecting weapons/knives? At the checkpoint? And where should they be stored?


Should I leave at 1:15 or wait for a signal

A saw especially a wire saw if anyone has such a thing would be useful for firewood


We're here

Should we take Thomas directly then come back

Have you left yet? We could use shovels and a saw for firewood here if yoy have them to spare

Roger VA


Kenny VA


Norman AL

Andrew AL

Logan TN

James AL

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