Vincent AZ

@PF-2587 RocketChat ID: cGfF4Wizt5kF9GH7x

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Do you know if it's possible to locate owners of vehicles from license plates?

In the state of Arizona





We have another mole

Did we find the irl name of the mole?

There are cyberstalking and antidoxx laws in Washington to press charges

Find the name of the mole

We have his address

Well, Tyler went to his house right?

I have this info:

He is a medic

He most likely is very active in the WA antifa scene

Do we have any pictures of his face?

If we need to press charges, we will use that

This is cyberstalking and more, and now that Tyler's identity is revealed, we can move forward with holding him accountable

I'm surprised they didn't vet harder

He was super sus

Sounded super gay too

We can possibly stop doxxes this way and sue for defamatiob

Does Tyler have a lawyer?

Talk to everyone in the network

Use that to your advantage

Do you think they got my doxx?

Let John know to check his messages

I will be at work, cam we push it to 7 by chance?

I mean 6


I will be joining around 5:30ish

Drive safe

When are we gonna vc?

Was at work

Oh okay

I read the time wrong

Hey man, wish you the best. I don't know if I'm doxxed yet, but I might just be here too soon

Keep your head up, we will get through this together brother

If ya wanna talk about it too, I'm here for ya

Holy shit

The infiltrator is in mumble

Holy shit

There are more infiltrators, how else would he have known

Nothing, ur good homie

Thx dawg

They can't fire you over politics man ur gucci

Tell Paul to check his messages

They can't fire you guys in Cali over politics ur gucci

Missing attachment: W

Check Threema

Heads up, from what I'm reading from antifa Twitter, there is going to be a really nasty post here soon

I took it upon myself to just uninstall Twitter for my mental health

Just lemme know if I'm doxxed or not

Just want to check up on you man, how are things hangin?

What did they say?

Will do

Missing attachment: Screenshot_20211208-190308_Instagram.jpg
Missing attachment: Phxantifa

Arizona antifa, Shiver Me Timbers!

Missing attachment: arizonaimt

Just remember, when those antifa act tough, this is what they look like irl

That was from Tucson IMT meetup

Missing attachment: E

What punching Nazis does to a nigga

Missing attachment: E


What's the website name again?

Need to reverify

Qhats the mumble instructions site again @Thomas


Found it

Was fir the mumble instructions thing

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