(DM) Jack AZ & Vincent AZ

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Jack AZ @PF-9412

• What activism have you performed this past week?
• What fitness, training, or self-improvement have you done this past week?
• Are you attending the Road Trip to Utah this weekend (Nov. 19th - Nov. 21st)?
• Are you attending the December event?
• What is your availability this week and next weekend?

Jack AZ @PF-9412

Next time you can't make a meeting, contact me in advance.

Jack AZ @PF-9412

You and I will be leaving Tucson this Friday as early as you are comfortably able. Are you still planning to take your vehicle?

Jack AZ @PF-9412

As far as scheduling meetings: is there another day or time in the week that would work better for you?

Jack AZ @PF-9412

Gear List for the Utah Road Trip this Friday:
• Warm jacket (temps will be 60º high and 40º low):
• Mouthguard + any boxing gloves you own
• Stickers
• Face mask
• Camping supplies (tent, sleeping bag, flashlight)
• Personal necessities (change of clothes, toothbrush, etc.)
(uniforms will not be worn)

Vincent AZ @PF-2587

Sorry about missing, I've been insanely busy today

Vincent AZ @PF-2587

I also may not be able to afford gas, but I will bring my vehicle

Vincent AZ @PF-2587

I'm off on Tuesdays and Wednesdays

Vincent AZ @PF-2587


Jack AZ @PF-9412

This is the official gear list for the trip this weekend, sent to me by Jon UT

Jack AZ @PF-9412

Gear list
Boot blouses
Wool socks
Sweatshirt or hoodie
Preferably windproof outer shell jacket
Beanie or other cold weather head covering
Combat boots

Camp Gear:
Wool Blanket
Sleeping bag
Iso mat or inflatable mattress
Canteen/camelback 1½ to 3 gallons of water
Lantern or headlamp
Kerosene/heater fuel
Extra socks / underwear
Pencil, marker, notepad
Tylenol / ibuprofen
Fire starting device
Container / cup
Folding shovel
Sewing kit
Bandana / cotton fabric
Mylar blanket
Knife / multi tool
Can opener
Compass (optional)
Mess kit
Rations, protein bars, gum, tea/coffee
Salt and sugar (optional)
Camp stove
First aid kit / venom kit

Not everybody needs to carry some of these items but they are important to have at camp.

Jack AZ @PF-9412

We're meeting at the Walmart at Cortaro and I-10 at 8am Friday.

Jack AZ @PF-9412

Trip cost will be $6 each if you have it

Vincent AZ @PF-2587

I am getting paid today

Vincent AZ @PF-2587

So I'll have it

Vincent AZ @PF-2587

We will take my car up

Vincent AZ @PF-2587

And will split gas 50 50 or in thirds if Gabe is coming

Jack AZ @PF-9412

Gabe is not, it's just you and me

Vincent AZ @PF-2587

Aight aight

Vincent AZ @PF-2587

Plenty of space

Vincent AZ @PF-2587

I'm taking the route around the Grand Canyon, because it is literally the same time but more fuel efficient

Vincent AZ @PF-2587

Also I hate Vegas traffic

Jack AZ @PF-9412

We're going to take Vegas on the way up and Flagstaff on the way down, to maximize places we can sticker

Vincent AZ @PF-2587

Fair enough

Jack AZ @PF-9412

Traffic is just another reason to leave early

Vincent AZ @PF-2587

Just saying because I have severe ADD and don't do well with alot of cars or info

Vincent AZ @PF-2587

I get overestimated easily, if you want take over there it'll be fine

Vincent AZ @PF-2587


Jack AZ @PF-9412

Yeah that's no problem

Jack AZ @PF-9412

I'll see you at 8am tomorrow. The org is taking care of breakfast and lunch but you're on your own for dinner

Vincent AZ @PF-2587

Grey Toyota Corrola

Jack AZ @PF-9412

Network meeting tonight at 6:00pm. Let me know if you cannot attend.

Vincent AZ @PF-2587


Jack AZ @PF-9412

Keep in mind we each are allowed only one "personal item" on the plane, unless we pay an extra fee

Vincent AZ @PF-2587


Jack AZ @PF-9412

Gear List for the East Coast Event one week from now:
• Warm clothes (temps will be 50º high and 30º low)
• Full Uniform (Hat, White mask, Jacket, 4 Patches, Khakis, Boots)
• Gloves, sunglasses
• Camping supplies (tent, sleeping bag, flashlight, etc.)
• Personal necessities (change of clothes, toothbrush, etc.)
• Cash

Jack AZ @PF-9412

This list may be updated in the coming days, but plan on bringing a Tent and Sleeping Bag, and Warm Clothes. It'll be cold.

Jack AZ @PF-9412

I will be paying for a checked bag. If we each pack light enough, we may be able share a checked bag.

Vincent AZ @PF-2587


Jack AZ @PF-9412

If you're too sick to make it on the trip you may be able to get a refund on the airfare.
Praying that it clears up by then, but here's the info in case its needed.

Vincent AZ @PF-2587

I hope it let's me refund

Vincent AZ @PF-2587
Missing attachment: Ticket
Vincent AZ @PF-2587

It's nonrefundable too 😐

Vincent AZ @PF-2587

Let's hope like he'll I get better

Jack AZ @PF-9412

In order to attend, make sure you're (likely) not contagious. You can still play a role at the event even if you're not ready to march for hours in the cold on little to no sleep. However, you should avoid getting other activists sick.

Vincent AZ @PF-2587

I think its 14 days until I'm no longer contagious

Vincent AZ @PF-2587

Or 10

Vincent AZ @PF-2587

This really makes me mad, I really wish I would have gotten sick a week earlier

Vincent AZ @PF-2587

Gay af

Vincent AZ @PF-2587

$255 down the drain

Vincent AZ @PF-2587

I'm sorry about this

Vincent AZ @PF-2587

Maybe I can mask my symptoms on the plane bt then, 2go knows, right now I'm feeling really rough, literally taking Dayquil and Nyquil nonstop

Jack AZ @PF-9412

Pack anyway

Jack AZ @PF-9412

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Vincent AZ @PF-2587

I'll try

Vincent AZ @PF-2587

This one is rough

Vincent AZ @PF-2587

I don't think I'm going to he able to recover by then other than for a small period after I took Nyquil, the coughing nd sore throat won't go away

Vincent AZ @PF-2587

Hopefully it ends by tomorrow

Vincent AZ @PF-2587

Good luck on the trip man, I haven't recovered at all, in fact I'm feeling much worse

Jack AZ @PF-9412

Sorry this had to happen to you man

Jack AZ @PF-9412

Sorry this happened to you man

Vincent AZ @PF-2587

Well it was bound to happen, just the timing was awful

Vincent AZ @PF-2587

What are the odds lol

Vincent AZ @PF-2587

I saw you guys marching in the news, God I'm pissed I caught the coof, that looked so fun

Vincent AZ @PF-2587

You guys safe? I heard somebody stole the UHaul

Jack AZ @PF-9412

Stole? No the tires were slashed, from what I understand

Vincent AZ @PF-2587


Vincent AZ @PF-2587

Hey I may have been doxxed

Vincent AZ @PF-2587

Do you know if it's possible to locate owners of vehicles from license plates?

Vincent AZ @PF-2587

In the state of Arizona

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