(DM) Thomas & Douglas TX

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Thomas @thomas

This is a scripted message. An important announcement has just been posted in the #announcements channel. Please review it in detail and follow the instructions given. If we have not conversed recently (or since the last scripted message), give me an update on your organizing and any questions or matters I can assist with. Thank you.

Douglas TX @PF-8149

Paul told me to update you. I won’t be able to make it up this weekend.
I have something else I need to attend and I got tendinitis in my right foot. I don’t know what good I’ll be there, since I won’t be able to spare, do shield drills or hike with you guys.

Thomas @thomas

Can you stand or walk?

Thomas @thomas

What else is it that you have to attend to?

Douglas TX @PF-8149

Stand yes, not very far.
Football game.

Thomas @thomas

I assume you're attending and not playing?

Thomas @thomas

Even if you were to attend in a wheelchair, there would be valuable results. Thanksgiving is an important time for us to celebrate and revere our nation's history.

Your participation in the drills, even if simply the ones that require marching and little else, is extremely important for your attendance to December's events. Then there's being there to make valuable connections and conduct social time with members who have likely never gotten the chance to do as such with you. Not to forget the literature seminars and discussions related which are important for education and consensus among the membership.

Thomas @thomas

Even if you can't participate in any drills whatsoever, your viewing of these things taking place will be extremely important. It could make all the difference in adopting things next month once you arrive on the scene. Helping others, etc.

Douglas TX @PF-8149

Attending is a loose term, but does apply to me. Sorry to disappoint.

Douglas TX @PF-8149

I see if I can have Paul make a manual for me to review

Thomas @thomas

So you can't go to get all the benefit I listed above so you can instead sit on the bleachers of a football game? I'm a little confused.

Thomas @thomas

Why should Paul have to work harder and go out of his way while you can have readily available, physical access to this information?

Douglas TX @PF-8149

Would you care for me to clear the confusion and explain my personal life or stay confused and know I tried my to best to get out.

Thomas @thomas

Full explanations are always what I expect where organizational matters are concerned.

Douglas TX @PF-8149

Because that’s what brothers do for each other. If he doesn’t want to do it, that’s fine. If it means I’m off the shield team, then that’s the hand life deals me.

Douglas TX @PF-8149

Mandatory attendance for cadets. Letter requesting to miss game was denied. Time of game and event don’t like up in time for me to jump between.

Thomas @thomas

Tell me a little more about this cadet program you're involved in.

Douglas TX @PF-8149

It’s the original student body of the university I’m in. It’s offices purpose is to build leaders for the future. This is either for the private sector or military.

Thomas @thomas

How many years into schooling are you, with how many predicted to go? At least in this particular program. I assume you're not too interested in joining the military>

Douglas TX @PF-8149

3 years in, 1 more after this. Same for the program.
Training at the military level does, but US military no longer interest me.

Thomas @thomas

That's good to know.

So you're required to go to games, and what other kinds of scheduling conflicts?

Douglas TX @PF-8149

Games usually. But we also have parades, training events and competitions.

Thomas @thomas

How far in advance are those scheduled?

Douglas TX @PF-8149

A week to months depending.

Thomas @thomas

Alright, I get that you can get thrown around schedule wise and there's probably all sorts of threats to one's ability to graduate or whatnot if they miss things.

Moving forward, more honesty as far as what exactly is going on could help. I'm not going to release anyone's info, of course, so where there is an excuse it helps me to have something substantial.

I'm still going to do everything on my end to get you out to events, meetings, etc. because I believe it's a great impact on our lives, it's ideologically necessary, and for the sake of our brothers who stand to benefit from your inclusion. On your end, do everything you can to make those. Not make every one. But do everything you can to make the ones you do. Sound like a plan?

Douglas TX @PF-8149


Thomas @thomas

This is a scripted message. Please make sure to review the recent announcement. Thank you.

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