(DM) Benjamin WI & ND - Samuel VA
RocketChat ID: hSAwHEdPnoG8iTLNqvTdDxqJeF5PK8Twnt
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These URL posters are what I'm talkin bout
Is that only 8 inches tall?
I believe so
Try printing that size; i would like it to be legible but easily portable/widely applicable
I think i found the original print file.
This good?
That is 8x20 for the image. You guys trim 1 side.
That works
Cool you want 20 or?
Bring a fuck load to December 4th (~100)
Lol ok.
How much?
$25 to Thomas. Cool?
We handle it all in person at the 4th
Helps the TX kids out.
Did you see western chauvinist plug us
Citing VA
Just saw it. Looks like we need to print stickers faster
Nw9 singlehandedly paying thomas' rent
I just did 30 posts in a week
180 stickers
Friday the 3rd.
What is your plan that day? When are you leaving your house?
I could drop off posters and stuff to you before, depending on schedule..
Or if too much of a pain no problem. I want to get people plenty of time to get their posters and stencils.
well I live in Virginia Beach. Nearest airport is Norfolk VA. I plan on leaving work at 4:00 pm and going straight to camp, arrival around 7:30.
returning home would add time
not unmanageable though if you plan on flying
Ok i will probably be there before you, I figured you would have the day off.
The wallets belong to Jeff NY and Wayne NYand the phones are Oscar ID, Nick NY and Wayne NY
You on Threema?
If so My Threema ID: https://threema.id/7C6MV7K7
Drop me a message. We can voice chat on there.
My Threema ID: https://threema.id/BRCZXR7B

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