(DM) Leo LA & Alan MI

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Alan MI @PF-626733
Missing attachment: Clipboard - November 17, 2021 11:48 PM
Leo LA @PF-793569

Seems like you have a lot of opposition in your area. Props on the activism.

Alan MI @PF-626733


Alan MI @PF-626733

also thank you

Leo LA @PF-793569

I was just looking at your activism posts. Seems like a lot of stickers had been scratched out instead of simply faded.

Alan MI @PF-626733

Yes, I thought you were referencing the boog fags on twitter. Funnily enough some of those are a year old and some are only a week old.

Leo LA @PF-793569

Have not heard of anything from some boog boys. I think it's good like Thomas says. Showing them an area is contested is good. But having stickers last a while is also good. I've only seen a handful of mine stay up, but I don't return to the scene of the crime very much. It's probably a bad idea to shit where you eat as they say. Not necessarily a good idea to sticker areas that you're a regular at.

Alan MI @PF-626733

I sticker similar areas often because they're good sticker locations and I often end up going to them months later by accident. I sticker a wide breadth of the state though, and no ones gonna be sitting in the bushes waiting for me a month later

Leo LA @PF-793569

I need to get out and sticker more areas. Would love to constantly hit some local college campuses.

Alan MI @PF-626733

don't be afraid of small towns in the middle of no where. Go to their downtown, throw up 4 stickers and move to the next one

Leo LA @PF-793569

I've done it a couple times. Have never gone back to check on them though.

Alan MI @PF-626733

sorry im handling some vetting stuff. Yeah they're not points of interest to return to. I'm just saying its good to get promat all over the state for the activism map.

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