(DM) Jason NY & Thomas

RocketChat ID: knQHoBXHDucDnvidjn8Hnfj4Hze86xAjyf

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Thomas @thomas

Remove from big list:
Daniel TX
Jason TX

Thomas @thomas

How soon would you want to move if you needed that? We could likely get you a room and if you could get some sort of part time income you could split rent with Mason for around $300/mo. You'd also need to really help out with the production side of things, but if you're only needing to work a few days a month I think you'd have time.

Jason NY @PF-3527

Early January probably. I plan on driving doordash until I have money for rent/food/gas and then spending all of my other time doing whatever pf stuff needs to be done.

Jason NY @PF-3527

Doordash is good money here, better than McDonald’s or something, but I’ll have to see what it’s like over there.

Thomas @thomas

Probably just as good if not better.

Jason NY @PF-3527

I think I will have no problem then.

Thomas @thomas

7.5 million people in a 90 minute radius.

Jason NY @PF-3527

What’s the population like within a 15 min drive?

Thomas @thomas

Fort Worth has 1mil. We're on the northern edge.

Jason NY @PF-3527

I like to start dashing near my house and then pick orders that will take me into a more dense area so that my gas is paid for on the way

Jason NY @PF-3527


Thomas @thomas

~15/20 min to dtown FW.

Jason NY @PF-3527

Okay perfect, it should be no problem at all then.

Thomas @thomas

For sure.

Jason NY @PF-3527

I usually make about $140 for an 8 hour shift. I was saving up to get a prius so that I'd make almost double that but that'll have to wait.

Thomas @thomas

You should be fine, then, yes.

Jason NY @PF-3527


Jason NY @PF-3527

Please delete Interviewee-966349 for trying to join interview queue despite being denied and told not to come back

Jason NY @PF-3527

Potential Mike

Thomas @thomas

Sure you don't want to give him a chance?

Jason NY @PF-3527

Not unless he can provide up to date x-ray of calcaneus

Thomas @thomas

No cookaburra, no interview.

Jason NY @PF-3527


Jason NY @PF-3527

I'm actually shocked I never asked you this before, but could you please increase the maximum text length of a message on rocket chat to 4000 instead of 2000 so we don't have to cut our interview notes in half and send as 2 messages?

Jason NY @PF-3527

I can tell you what setting to change if you're cool w/ it

Thomas @thomas


Jason NY @PF-3527

pf3618.bloodandsoil.org/admin/Message > "Maximum Allowed Characters Per Message" > Replace "2000" with "4000"

Jason NY @PF-3527

Lmk if that link doesn't go to the right place, my rocket chat version is newer

Jason NY @PF-3527

Change needs to be made on main server and vetting

Thomas @thomas


Jason NY @PF-3527

Am I allowed to talk to samuel VA about what we know atm about infiltrator investigation?

Thomas @thomas


Jason NY @PF-3527


Thomas @thomas

Thank you for asking.

Jason NY @PF-3527

Of course

Jason NY @PF-3527

Okay, this is going to be kind of a long explanation but here it goes:

The first step is to go to the admin panel and then click the View Logs tab, but be aware: this is going to freeze your web browser for up to 5 minutes.

Once your web browser is unfrozen and you can scroll up and down in the log, you're going to want to Ctrl + F and enter in his username (Interviewee-######). You should come across a connection log which will look like this:

Jason NY @PF-3527


Jason NY @PF-3527

The first highlighted string of text is his internal user ID which the server uses to identify him, rather than a username that we actually see. You're going to want to copy that, put it in a notepad, and hold on to it for a bit.

Jason NY @PF-3527

The highlighted text at the bottom in the box shows the room that he is currently in "activism", and the second row shows an unread DM of his that the server is trying to show him.

Jason NY @PF-3527

The first step would be to continue searching his username with Ctrl + F to find it mentioned in any log other than "API debug Success", or any log that doesn't look like the one in that screenshot.

Jason NY @PF-3527

Once you have discerned that there are no other logs besides the connection, then you want to take his "id" number and start Ctrl + Fing that as well. You should see "Meteor > method _" and the blank would be an action that he is trying to take.

Jason NY @PF-3527

For example, "Meteor > method viewUserList" or "Meteor > method canAccessChannel" will show if he opened user director or opened a certain channel.

Jason NY @PF-3527

Paste any log that you believe shows an action that he is trying to take, judging by the method ID, and send them to me. I will check w/ rocket chat documentation to identify what the code means.

Jason NY @PF-3527

And then I should know whether he is just passively in the vetting server or if he is actively looking around.

Thomas @thomas

Roger that. Will do.

Jason NY @PF-3527


Jason NY @PF-3527
Jason NY @PF-3527

In other news, please remove Interviewee-742982 . He expressed to us that he believes violence is the only answer, he is preparing for it, and he thinks it is paramount above all else. He was also quite suspicious in Tyler SD and I's opinion. Logan CA vouched for him.

Thomas @thomas

Investigate why Logan vouched.

Jason NY @PF-3527

Is there anybody in Texas close to the border of LA in the Shreveport area who might be able to help vet a LA interviewee?

Thomas @thomas

We're the closest. Looks like. Send me his record.

Jason NY @PF-3527

He's in Ruston, LA. It'd be a significant drive from Ft Worth.

Jason NY @PF-3527

I'm gonna ask Jesse if somebody on the AR side of the border might be close.

Jason NY @PF-3527



Conductor: William TX

Notetaker: Christopher VA

Test Question: Have you ever seen PF activism in person?

A: no has never seen PF activism in person.

1.22yrs old

2. Lives in LA, permanent resident

3. Nearest city is Rusten

4. Never been interviewd before

5.has access to personal vehicle

6.no substance abuse

7.no crimes

8. Military service for Sworn in for 5 months, didn’t want to go past basic training. Didn’t want to work for the government.

9. No health ailments

10. In 2014-2015 became aware of politics online and became familiar with NS. Read the “myth of the 20th century”, “mein kampf, did a project on WW2 and became aware

11. He is a national socialist, has a vested interest in his people. Government in the future needs to be different. Broad groups hurt americans for broad reasons.

12. Found out about PF through the nordic frontier interview. March on DC made him want to join. Watched many videos, read our manifesto, was impressed.Only group in politics that can affect american politics.

13.Has heard of civic nationalism, contradictory, its a nation without a nation. He is not a fan of it.

14. His family has been here since 1600’s from England, both sides. Considered himself as anglo-american

15. Was a christian but is unsure at the moment. Now is agnostic. Only had contradictions when he was religious. It tries to appeal to everyone. No issues working with others.

16. Introductory level of technology. Familiar with outdoorsmanship, knows basic medical knowledge.’

17. Currently out of shape, goes for walks, visits campus gym every day or every other day.

18. No previous group affiliation, no like minded friends or family. Sees himself spreading the word of the movement. Can see himself doing activism

19. Biggest threat is complacency, doesn't believe most americans are active in the country. Greed is another problem.

20. Violence is justified in the defense of one’s safety and the defense of the Nation. Not in a way that calls for violence. Can remain peaceful in demonstrations.

21. Never been in a fight since elementary school.

22. Gets information from telegram, gab, and twitter. Telegram- nordic resistance movement, group about crypto currency. Twitter- breaking 911, disclose.tv. Gab- disclose.tv, nordic resistance movement.

23. Read mein kampf,myth of the 20th century. Impactful because it shows a lot about political awakenings. Really resonated with him when he was younger with a spiritual method, around middle school. Read mein kampf several times, hitlers experience after the war was a sticking point to him, notices a great change in society and wants to change/fix it.

24. Ideal family structure is having extended families active in lives. Many are now very anomized. His upbringing was overall nowhere near ideal, parents divorced. Lgbtq and pornography is unnatural, changes people's brain chemistry, makes slaves of their desires. They need to get help.

25. Admires teddy roosevelt, one of the last great americans. Manliness.

26. Despises FDR, he dragged america into WW2, killing men unnecessarily.

27. Nationaist movement problems come from the structures and messages from the organizations. Have low quality members and are idiots, poor representation. PF has high standards, very conscious, still have an american pride aspect to us.

28. He will still be in college, currently a freshman. Going for a masters program afterwards. Bachelors will be in LA and would like masters program be in LA as well.

29. Has been truthful with everything.

30. He is willing to do whatever it takes for the organization and the nation.

Thomas @thomas

What is the guy's User ID?

Jason NY @PF-3527

Interviewee- 369940

Jason NY @PF-3527

Leo LA has been chatting w/ him

Thomas @thomas

Leo is closer. But will reach out.

Jason NY @PF-3527

Yeah, Leo wants somebody to do it with him

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