(DM) Jason NY & Thomas

RocketChat ID: knQHoBXHDucDnvidjn8Hnfj4Hze86xAjyf

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Thomas @thomas


Jason NY @PF-3527

Please remove Interviewee-302112 for trolling. Refuses to accept that he has been denied, being a nuisance in DMs and #interviews .

Jason NY @PF-3527

Officer Reynolds from the Maryland Park Police called me this morning and asked me for more details of the event. He told me that he is curious as to what was going on because there are "a bunch of FBI agents getting involved, asking about plate numbers." I don't know if he is a complete idiot or if the FBI requested he make this call. I told him that I envoke my right to remain silent and gave him my attorney's number. Figured I'd let you know.

Thomas @thomas

Very good. Thank you. He could very well be a pig idiot.

Jason NY @PF-3527

I think both explanations are equally plausible

Thomas @thomas

Check Tech chat.

Jason NY @PF-3527

Vetting down

Thomas @thomas


Jason NY @PF-3527

it was a hiccup

Jason NY @PF-3527

Vetting down again, I waited a couple minutes this time before alerting you

Jason NY @PF-3527

Oh somebody already tagged you, sorry

Jason NY @PF-3527

I would like to lobby you to consider me for the position of IC, if that role is not defunct. I have been carrying out the duties of IC since the day of Michael's resignation and I remain very passionate about the interview team. I have the full support of the current interview team since the last time it was discussed, and I believe Michael would select me to be his successor as well. There would be no change in my workload if I was appointed to the position because I took the role of acting IC when Michael resigned the role and have had no issue keeping up. Thank you for your consideration.

Jason NY @PF-3527

I bring this up now because Eric PA will be giving Vincent the role of NS when he has settled in in PA, so I am confident that I will have no workload issues.

Thomas @thomas

I had discussed that with Jesse.

Thomas @thomas

Your role may need expanding in the social media or tech team.

Jason NY @PF-3527

Would you prefer Jesse as IC?

Thomas @thomas

I don't really have preferences other than the job getting done and me having more efficient points of contact.

Jason NY @PF-3527

I wouldn't take any personal offence if you pick Jesse instead, but I am absolutely confident that I would be able to fit the IC role and expand my involvement in tech and media teams. I feel like I have already been managing them all very well.

Thomas @thomas

I ideally want only one head per project team. Eggs and baskets.

Thomas @thomas

Talk to Jesse about it.

Jason NY @PF-3527

Okay, will do

Jason NY @PF-3527


Jason NY @PF-3527

I think it is clear that the role is very important to Jesse and that he is competent and qualified.

Thomas @thomas

As long as you both agree, I am content with the decision.

Jason NY @PF-3527

I agree. Jesse deserves the role.

Thomas @thomas

This is a scripted message. Please make sure to review the recent announcement. Thank you.

Jason NY @PF-3527

On rocket chat, does a user's page in admin panel show their login history or only their last login?

Thomas @thomas
Missing attachment: Clipboard - December 11, 2021 9:48 AM
Thomas @thomas
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Thomas @thomas
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Thomas @thomas
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Thomas @thomas
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Thomas @thomas
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Thomas @thomas
Missing attachment: Clipboard - December 11, 2021 9:50 AM
Thomas @thomas

Those are all the people who connected yesterday or today.

Jason NY @PF-3527

Before restart?

Thomas @thomas

No idea. I don't know how to look at the logs.

Thomas @thomas

Those are the names with 0 inactive days.

Jason NY @PF-3527

Ah okay, Vincent is needed to get the names of everybody from before restart

Thomas @thomas

Alright, so we're just sitting on our hands until then.

Jason NY @PF-3527

Unfortunately yes. Vincent says he can't get the info because it takes too long.

Jason NY @PF-3527

I suppose that means he will do it when he gets to the next hotel

Thomas @thomas

DXASJS65 that is Adam NC Threema code he told me to give it to you if you had any further questions

Thomas @thomas

About James.

Thomas @thomas

Worth asking since we're dead in the water.

Jason NY @PF-3527

Okay, I'll message him

Jason NY @PF-3527

We have proactive options but none of them are very good. Here is my list:

- Send out an announcement saying that we are 100% sure that all infiltrators are gone, hope antifa is dumb enough to upload screenshot with security code visible.

- Tech team figures out how to isolate members to a different rocket chat instance, send a bait announcement in each but with slightly different emojis. Aka :PF-White: :PF-Blue: for one and :PF-Blue: :PF-White: for another.

- Disable the account of everybody on the VPN list and see who doesn't contact us for re-instatement. (This option sucks.)

- Ban anybody using a VPN from accessing the rocket chat, hope the antifa just stops logging in instead of buying a residential VPN.

Thomas @thomas
  1. A bit too embarrassing.

    2. Sounds way more cumbersome than it could be worth.

    3. We have a Director who used a VPN. Not a definitive way to find the infil.

    4. That's a more passive one, but still not certain on it.
Thomas @thomas

I'm confident we can work well with that list once we get it.

Jason NY @PF-3527

Yeah I know, they suck. We have no clever proactive measure right now I don't think.

Thomas @thomas

I'm confident we can work well with that list once we get it.

Jason NY @PF-3527


Thomas @thomas

Speak with Vincent kindly and try to get that list ASAP. If we have to wait all day we may as well just go with the one I sent you above which has everyone else. Hotel check out is at 11 am. Plenty of time.

Jason NY @PF-3527

No list from Vincent, says he had already left the hotel when I first contacted him. Can't get me the list.

Jason NY @PF-3527

Wait nvm, he is sending me some sort of link now.

Jason NY @PF-3527

I have received the logs but it will take me a long time to parse this info

Thomas @thomas

Get me the names as soon as you can type them.

Jason NY @PF-3527

Do you have a cryptpad account already?

Thomas @thomas

Negative. I just need the names in plain text.

Jason NY @PF-3527

The cryptpad sheet has all the data in it, I will give you my login info

Thomas @thomas

By the data do you mean the list of names?

Jason NY @PF-3527

Yes but it has additional data that will be useful

Jason NY @PF-3527


Jason NY @PF-3527

I'm sending you my login details + a link on telegram

Thomas @thomas

Is that all the names there?

Jason NY @PF-3527

Everyone who connected prior to the restart

Jason NY @PF-3527

the screenshot is not the full list

Thomas @thomas

Are those two right columns the only additional info?

Jason NY @PF-3527

For now yes, I am adding more

Jason NY @PF-3527

I want to add who was authenticated during the meeting, who attended the PNW meeting and notes

Thomas @thomas

Roger that. For now, can you get me the list of 100 names in plain text so I can share that?

Thomas @thomas

Just paste it here.

Jason NY @PF-3527

<br>Kevin CO<br>Vincent KY<br>Marshall OK<br>Aaron SC<br>James TX<br>George TX<br>Jesse AR<br>Logan NC<br>Johnny ID<br>Wilson CO<br>John VA<br>Ethan OH<br>Ben CO<br>Christopher AL<br>Bryan NV<br>Vincent TX<br>Adam NY<br>Ben MD<br>Adam TX<br>Paul TX<br>Mike RI<br>Lawrence FL<br>Marcus NC<br>Vincent AZ<br>David WA<br>Jesse CO<br>Clarke IL<br>Logan UT<br>Lee KY<br>Carter MO<br>Adam SD<br>Alexander PA<br>John MN<br>Cecil OK<br>Francis MI<br>John WA<br>Alexander OR<br>Vincent VA<br>Hugh AL<br>Alan MI<br>William TX<br>Sam OH<br>Randolph IL<br>Johnny MN<br>Sam MN<br>Rex VT<br>Logan TX<br>Ryan OH<br>Jack AZ<br>Eric PA<br>Sean KS<br>Mark PA<br>Eric MI<br>Zach MO<br>Nicholas OH<br>Steven TX<br>Patrick TX<br>Gabriel IA<br>Sam MI<br>Michael IN<br>Austin TX<br>Logan CA<br>Adam PA<br>Wilson TX<br>Frederick OR<br>Oscar TX<br>Gabriel WV<br>Nick NY<br>Benjamin MI<br>Jason NY<br>Patrick NC<br>Andrew WY<br>Billy TX<br>Ulysses FL<br>Leo MO<br>Josh NH<br>Marcus WA<br>Wayne NY<br>Jeffrey OH<br>Walter OR<br>Daniel TX<br>Robert NJ<br>Nathan TX<br>Christopher VA<br>Matthew MN<br>Benjamin OH<br>James UT<br>James AL<br>Robert IL<br>Sean AL<br>Ryan PA<br>Jesse GA<br>Jon UT<br>Brian NC<br>Clarke OK<br>Peter MN<br>Grant MD<br>Jason TX<br>Adam IN<br>Oscar ID<br>Josh CA<br>Tyler CT<br>Norman GA<br>Robert IN<br>

Thomas @thomas

Perfect. Thank you.

Jason NY @PF-3527

Np, I sent you cryptpad login info on telegram also.

Jason NY @PF-3527

Would you like me to reach out to NDs with a list of people in their network to have a dossier written up on?

Thomas @thomas

I'm doing that now.

Jason NY @PF-3527


Thomas @thomas

I am updating the vetting script with Jesse's notes.

I have just delivered that list to the Directors to inform me of which names can be struck from the list upon investigation.

What measures can you pursue in the meantime?

Jason NY @PF-3527

I can continue to fledge out this list with more info, and I can provide a list of those who connected before restart and had a VPN or Tor enabled

Thomas @thomas

Do that.

Jason NY @PF-3527

VPN users who connected before the restart:

<br>Wilson CO [11]<br>Ethan CO [13]<br>Logan UT [29]<br>Francis [36]<br>Hugh AL [40]<br>Johnny MN [45]<br>Sean KS [52]<br>Daniel TX [82]<br>Jesse GA [93]<br>Clarke OK [96]<br>Peter MN [97]<br>Josh CA [102]<br>Robert IN [105]<br>

Jason NY @PF-3527

The number in bracket is the order in which they connected

Jason NY @PF-3527

I am of the strong opinion that one of the people on that list is the infiltrator.

Jason NY @PF-3527

We can cross out Johnny MN, Logan UT and Daniel TX. Which leaves us with 10 names.

Thomas @thomas

I would cross off Wilson CO, Hugh AL, and Clarke OK as well.

Jason NY @PF-3527

Just received word from Jesse NC about James NC, I will summarize.

- They do not trust him or want to be around him.
- He filmed their faces and their conversations for no reason while they scouted an area.
- He bailed early before a scheduled banner drop after the filming faces incident.
- The antifa group that doxxed him took down their banners shortly after they placed them.
- He bailed with short notice before Mt Mitchell hike.

Thomas @thomas

James is already gone. Deactivated.

Jason NY @PF-3527


Jason NY @PF-3527

With that summary I'd say it's not worth bringing him back in even if he contacts to get reinstated.

Thomas @thomas


Jason NY @PF-3527

Anyway, current top-suspect list is as follows:

<br>Ethan CO<br>Francis MI<br>Sean KS<br>Jesse GA<br>Peter MN<br>Josh CA<br>Robert IN<br>

Jason NY @PF-3527

Ethan CO was meant to read Ethan OH, sorry.

Thomas @thomas

We will see what correlates as the Directors get to it.

Jason NY @PF-3527

Sounds good.

Thomas @thomas

Can we cross reference our 100 with any names at the PNW meeting?

Thomas @thomas

Josh seems to be coming up on a lot of lists.

Jason NY @PF-3527

<br>Johnny ID<br>Christopher AL<br>Bryan NV<br>Vincent AZ<br>David WA<br>Alexander OR<br>Alan MI<br>Jack AZ<br>Logan CA<br>Frederick OR<br>Marcus WA<br>Walter OR<br>Josh CA<br>

Jason NY @PF-3527

I spent a lot of time talking to Josh CA both at this demo and at Philly, if he is antifa he is a master at his craft.

Jason NY @PF-3527

Please remove Interviewee-796807 . Was rejected at in-person interview, was gay or something and "gave off real bad vibes". Bothering his vetter on the vetting server.

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