(DM) ND - Samuel VA & NQ - Paul TX

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Paul, I wish you had reached out to me first before taking Tyler for your team; my first drilling session is this weekend and I planned to select my team from my own network

NQ - Paul TX @PF-361071

I apologize for putting any dents in your plan, Samuel. I had the opportunity to have Tyler on my shield team at Philadelphia and I knew he was a very capable individual for the role. I hadn’t invited him onto my team until about a week after we were given the assignment to pick shields, so if you knew that you wanted to pick your shields from your network you should’ve announced that reservation in the team leader channel.

I did

NQ - Paul TX @PF-361071

With that said, if there’s a concern that this will leave you short of an individual on your shield team, we can come up with recommendations or have him transferred to your team.

NQ - Paul TX @PF-361071

I don’t recall seeing that.

I can't find where I posted it but i vividly remember saying we would be drilling and I would pick my team then, and provide nw9/nnmnc recommendations of remaining good candidates for people to select from

As of now I am content with your keeping Tyler in the vanguard but I am reserving the right to take him for screen right after our drilling on the basis of aptitude and fit for the role.

NQ - Paul TX @PF-361071

You have a pool of members spanning 4 states to choose from this weekend. Since I have already recruited Tyler into my team it is unnecessary and unreasonable to “reserve the right” to just take him from my team since we will probably have to end up choosing from your pool to fill in our remaining vacancies anyways.

The screens have to move up and down the column, dressing lines, covering medics, cameramen, and screening for traffic. This requires agility, cardio, aptitude, experience and the ability to follow and carry out orders. I am going to select from my pool the best candidates for that role, and what remains will be available to everyone else to select from. I know my guys and I'm pretty sure Tyler is going to be one of the fastest ones which is why I'm reserving that right.

That is my reasoning for why reserving that right is necessary

NQ - Paul TX @PF-361071

Very well, I can agree and attest that a degree of skill in cardio will be necessary for the screens. If you determine that Tyler would be best suited for that role I’ll let you make that decision. However because that may leave me one shield short I’d ask you to consider who may perform well on heavy shield duty.

Of course, and i am only reserving that decision til Saturday when I have had an opportunity to perform complete evaluation of the nw. I do not plan to create problems without having solutions already made, and if I take Tyler back I will have multiple recommendations for you and you'll get first pick.

NQ - Paul TX @PF-361071

I’m working on getting one of our members, Scott TX, to come fly out for the event. The earliest he could leave for the flight would be 5:30-6:00PM on Friday. I’m doing my best to find a viable logistical solution to make it happen and it would help if I knew the best airport and time for him to arrive at.

Richmond VA

Fredericksburg if possible

NQ - Paul TX @PF-361071

What time does he need to arrive by?

NQ - Paul TX @PF-361071

Also what time would be the earliest he could expect to get back to the airport by?

You're network 2, right?

NQ - Paul TX @PF-361071


James TX should give you the details

Check rocket re: vehicle damage chat

NQ - Paul TX @PF-361071

Vincent TX told me that Antelope Hill would cover the entire cost of the new tire I had to buy. Would I put that in the chat?

Antelope hill should be sending money directly through Tom and not through our members; and yes you should just repeat the damages $ and the amt your insurere is kicking in

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