(DM) Thomas & Sam OH

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Thomas @thomas

This is a scripted message. An important announcement has just been posted in the #announcements channel. Please review it in detail and follow the instructions given. If we have not conversed recently (or since the last scripted message), give me an update on your organizing and any questions or matters I can assist with. Thank you.

Thomas @thomas

I'd like to hear some more about your recent vetting of 422474, and while you're at it I'd like you to help me understand some of the confusion regarding your contacting for attendance to the upcoming event.

I designated three people with experience as NW Scribes to handle the universal head count for the event. Collectively messaging everyone in the organization in regards to their attendance. Jason's from central/south TX and we've worked together for years, Vincent recently moved to my house to get back on his feet, but he's originally from NW7, and Tyler CT helped as well.

Anyways, Ryan OH said you weren't going because of disagreements, but not legitimate inability, and then when asked for clarification, you said there were work problems. So my question is, did one turn into the other, or have your contests to the nature and faith of our actions persisted to the point where you recuse yourself from our larger events?

Let me know at your soonest ability. Thank you.

Sam OH @PF-7232

Thomas, I don’t want to be pitted against my friends, people that I respect in my locality. I have nothing to say about the situation with Ryan. I am scheduled for work and have been for some time. While I am concerned about the direction we are moving in, I have not stopped making banners, placing promat, doing vettings, ETC. I do not want us to re-learn lessons that were taught in the last few years. However, I have no intention of skipping out on events. I have a salary career that is 100% travel. Last time I workerd was early last month. I worked in Rhode Island where I stickered twice, did 2 banner drops with NW7, and helped with their vetting. When I am assigned to a job site, I am there for 10 days. I have to be at the site every day. We deliver a multi million dollar piece of equipment. Either I’m there all 10 days or I can get bent. This is my work schedule. I hate it and it won’t last forever. In fact, I am probably going to get fired at the beginning of January. My and my Girl are trying to have a kid, I have a mortgage, and I’m about to lose my income because of this gay zionist system. The last thing that I wanted to hear that my loyalty to the cause is in question which has never been a problem before with this job.

Sam OH @PF-7232

Corporate vaccine mandate dropped last week. I can either start the process of getting my 2 vaccines and booster shot or hit the road.

Sam OH @PF-7232

I’m trying to figure out what my life will look like next year. I want to do the 14 bit. So I need to figure out how I can support a family under these conditions

Sam OH @PF-7232

And I don’t owe this explanation to anyone else. This is personal.

Thomas @thomas

We are going off information directly quoted from Ryan. And information directly quoted from you. No pitting. Nothing to do with or without respect or locality. Two pieces of information about the same source.

No one has questioned your participation in other forms of activism. It is known and understood, I hope, that activity in the org is not a buffet-style pick and choose, but something where everyone is required to do everything they are called upon and capable of.

I understand your concerns with your career, and I am not necessarily the one for advice in that realm, but I nor anyone else is contesting your work schedule or its importance. Just to clarify without any doubt, your qualms have been quashed to the degree that they effected your perceived attendance, but even so, work complications prevail that undermine your ability to attend?

Sam OH @PF-7232

Do you want a screenshot of my schedule?

Thomas @thomas

Negative, as I said, "I nor anyone else is contesting your work schedule or its importance."

Sam OH @PF-7232

I have to drive 1500 miles starting on either the 4th or 5th.

Sam OH @PF-7232

It’s more than 1500 btw

Thomas @thomas

Of course. No one is contesting that your work complications are genuine. No one anywhere is contesting your work or its demands for you. There is no need to explain yourself there.

The question is only that the only matters prohibiting your attendance are these work complications, and not these tactical qualms about our actions at large. That is correct, yes?

Sam OH @PF-7232

And my jobs get pushed back all the time. I am only a tentative no. If my work schedule is pushed back as it often is, I will be there. For example, philly, I was a tentative no until the day before when I got word the job was delayed. I then drove out to philly by myself in my own car to attend the meetup.

Sam OH @PF-7232

No it’s not about your tactics

Thomas @thomas

Sure. That's all I needed to know. I wanted to make sure I had done everything within my ability to communicate and clarify things so that any remaining issues were straightened out.

If you do end up being able to go last minute, is there any info I can help with that would facilitate your attendance? Anything I could do to help?

Sam OH @PF-7232

If it gets pushed back, I will drive however far it is to attend the event assuming that I missed the busses and can’t ride with the group.

Sam OH @PF-7232

Maybe it’s not my business but am I absolutely wrong to assume I was contacted because of the drama?

Thomas @thomas

There is no drama. There was only minor confusion to do with reasons for attendance, and it has since been nullified.

If you end up being able to go, and have any questions about what is needed, just ping me and I'll get you what you need.

Sam OH @PF-7232

Okay. Do you still want to know about the interviewee? Nick_OH was present at the vetting and he shares the same sentiments about the guy.

Thomas @thomas

Sure, just let me know anything else that is relevant. Usually I like to get a somewhat detailed rundown just to stay in the loop.

Sam OH @PF-7232

He showed up 20 minutes early. Followed all instructions precisely. He comes from NWOPB. Expresses disappointment with drug use and alcoholism that he found in that brotherhood. Discontent with system, with how the FBI is a tool used against us. He’s a family man. A working man. Wants a better future for his kids. Was very friendly. He’s not a sperg or autist. Direct descendant of Patrick Henry. Not super well-read but we felt like we were talking to a brother.

Thomas @thomas

Very good on all points. I'm sure he'll fit in. I have a message sent his way so the ball's in his court.

Thomas @thomas

This is a scripted message. Please make sure to review the recent announcement. Thank you.

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