(DM) Sam MN & Leo MO

RocketChat ID: uj6KbLK4ND2ZJozfswZdk6k4CJhR8bCGYT

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Sam MN @PF-173220

Are you available today to pick up stickers from us near Springfield?

Leo MO @PF-519794


Sam MN @PF-173220

How Far East are you willing to travel?

Leo MO @PF-519794

I can do about an hour today.

Leo MO @PF-519794

I should also see Mark,MO tomorrow

Sam MN @PF-173220

Hello, I'm checking to confirm you have your tent, headlamp, food, and uniform prepared for this upcoming demo.
Good to go?

Leo MO @PF-519794

I have everything but a headlamp (delayed package) and a tent. I am fine with sleeping in the van though. @Clarke MO might have an extra tent for me as well,if it has all the parts-it was a thrift store find.

Sam MN @PF-173220

I can give you an extra headlamp but youll have to remember to ask me

Sam MN @PF-173220

If no nothing else works you can sleep in the van with you sleeping bag, or just sleep in my tent

Leo MO @PF-519794

Thank you Sam!

Sam MN @PF-173220

Do you have enough money to pick up a tent at Walmart?

Leo MO @PF-519794

I should!

Sam MN @PF-173220

I’d get it ASAP, it can’t be more than 50 dollars

Sam MN @PF-173220

Make sure you have a warm sleeping bad too, or stuff a blanket in a thin one

Leo MO @PF-519794

Will do

Leo MO @PF-519794

I forgot. I have your headlamp.

Sam MN @PF-173220

Don’t sweat it man

Leo MO @PF-519794

Making good time?

Sam MN @PF-173220


Sam MN @PF-173220

when did you last stop?

Leo MO @PF-519794

About an hour. Will here again at the next rest area. 30 something miles away

Sam MN @PF-173220


Leo MO @PF-519794

Hurricane West Virginia rest stop-no address I can find online

Leo MO @PF-519794

We here

Sam MN @PF-173220

Could you send me the link to that twitter thread you found about someone infiltrating?

Sam MN @PF-173220

Have you sent it to Thomas yet?

Leo MO @PF-519794

Yes I did earlier per his request and he said they are already looking into it. :/

Sam MN @PF-173220

You have the archive link?

Leo MO @PF-519794

This should be it: http://archive.today/ZmEn3

Leo MO @PF-519794

Rocket chat actting up for you too?

Sam MN @PF-173220

Yes, check the annoucements channel. That's us.

Leo MO @PF-519794

Oh I see.

Sam MN @PF-173220

Thanks for sending it to them anyway. Even if they already found it, we need people to immediately report things of that nature to leadership in case they haven't.

Leo MO @PF-519794

Definitely. Hope they can figure everything out soon. Very sad stuff.

Sam MN @PF-173220

Don't be discouraged, this demo is already taking us mainstream.

Sam MN @PF-173220

You have conservatives from Majorie Taylor Green to Sargon of Akkad all talking about Patriot Front, as well as everyone on Twitter.

Leo MO @PF-519794

That’s very true. Good coverage!

Leo MO @PF-519794

I’m looking forward to being more active. Fear not.

Leo MO @PF-519794

I think you Mark and Zach handled everything that was thrown at us great

Sam MN @PF-173220


Sam MN @PF-173220

Thank you!

Leo MO @PF-519794

They still haven’t found who is leaking info

Sam MN @PF-173220

The found one and have now determined there is another

Sam MN @PF-173220

I assume you saw the Twitter thread

Leo MO @PF-519794

Yes. It won’t let me link it right now though, my phone is being very slow.

Leo MO @PF-519794

Tons of audio clips from last night.

Sam MN @PF-173220

What account?

Sam MN @PF-173220

Atlanta Antifa posted one clip but I havent seen the others

Leo MO @PF-519794


Leo MO @PF-519794


Leo MO @PF-519794

Won’t let me link rn I think it’s Twitter being slow.

Leo MO @PF-519794


Leo MO @PF-519794
Leo MO @PF-519794

What can we do?

Sam MN @PF-173220

I'm positive leadership will take care of it, in the meantime keep an eye out for any unusual behavior.

Leo MO @PF-519794


Leo MO @PF-519794


Leo MO @PF-519794

If I can help at all with the interview process in anyway,please let me know. The last thing I want is a snake here. I really hope they weed the ones we do have out as well.

Sam MN @PF-173220

We aren't currently accepting new interviewers, but I will pass it on that you are interested for when we train in a new batch

Leo MO @PF-519794


Leo MO @PF-519794

Hopefully they delete/ban some of them.

Leo MO @PF-519794

That sounds good. Appreciate that. Just want to help all I can ,as I fear this BS may scare away good men.

Sam MN @PF-173220

Everything will work out in the end, keep up the good work!

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