(DM) Norman AL & Samuel NJ

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Samuel NJ @PF-969530

if you dont mind me asking what are your favored replicas for HEMA

Samuel NJ @PF-969530

I do both a 2 handed German and an arming sword and shield,

Samuel NJ @PF-969530

and I just started with Basket hilts and bucklers

Norman AL @PF-263100

Nice mix! I primarily work a variety of hand axes, Norse hawks, tomahawks, Hatchets, and then a spread of long knives like Messers, and short knives like Skean Dhus

Norman AL @PF-263100

Cold Steel, and Atienza make great trainers, but I also have private craftsmen for other wares, and a personal Blacksmith

Samuel NJ @PF-969530

Nice, im a amith myself so i can appricate how much having custom replicas must be. Me and my friends started with foam larp weapons and me and one friend who where ready bought ourselves hardplastic basket hilts. If i do well in the tournament i mentioned im probably gonna make myself a german long just to practice with

Samuel NJ @PF-969530

How nice customs replicas must be*

Norman AL @PF-263100

That's awesome! 🔥 I dig all of it, very good activities

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