(DM) Vincent TX & John CO

RocketChat ID: 3Q7R233eHLqabRKPKNBdfiasKL46nyvAyX

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John CO @PF-288308

Hi Vincent. @Anthony UT told me to reach out to you about shields. I'm 5'5", 158 pounds cutting from a bulk cycle. I'll go wherever I'm needed. Shield, flag, good with either. Here's a picture.

John CO @PF-288308
Missing attachment: nearcutfin.jpg
John CO @PF-288308

Oh right, bounced for a couple of years and have been in a lot of scraps.

Vincent TX @PF-4354

My man, welcome to screens

Vincent TX @PF-4354

No extra gear needed. Just come prepared.

John CO @PF-288308

Whatever that is, I'm in.

John CO @PF-288308

Bigger men are better on shields. If you still want me anywhere, say the word.

Vincent TX @PF-4354

Everyone is in their right place. This role is perfect for you. We'll do some drilling so don't worry

Vincent TX @PF-4354

Thanks for reaching out!

John CO @PF-288308

Great. Can I still do photos?

John CO @PF-288308

I thought my inactivity disbarred me, but, I still have access to the channel.

Vincent TX @PF-4354

Are you refering to photo edits?

John CO @PF-288308


Vincent TX @PF-4354

If you have the time yes

John CO @PF-288308

Perfect. Tattoo cover sleeve needed or uni jacket?

John CO @PF-288308

BTW - I'm going to eat like a slob this next week to layer on some extra weight to throw around.

Vincent TX @PF-4354

Jacket. Full uniform

Vincent TX @PF-4354

If you want

John CO @PF-288308

It's best, would like a couple extra pounds

John CO @PF-288308

Thanks bro.

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