(DM) Logan CA & Paul CA

RocketChat ID: N9sqFyXuKmiJtL3DppspjYYKMfozx3kH95

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Paul CA @PF-3219
Missing attachment: 816DFf5i0EL.jpg
Logan CA @PF-935365

? Lol

Paul CA @PF-3219

Since you posted from Vegas

Logan CA @PF-935365

Ooh, lol! Just passed through 😌

Logan CA @PF-935365

are you aware of this page?

Paul CA @PF-3219

I agree, don't desecrate the swastika.

Paul CA @PF-3219

I never talked to him in chat or in a room with him

Paul CA @PF-3219

Also FYI this is why we don't have a #general room any more and are light on posting memes and shit talk etc in the channels

Paul CA @PF-3219

Hence I didn't take any bait

Paul CA @PF-3219

Just said why is he here

Paul CA @PF-3219

No threats

Paul CA @PF-3219

I'm smarter than him lol

Paul CA @PF-3219

He didn't get any special gift cards like you guys

Paul CA @PF-3219

Bad news is I have to lay low and "disaffiliate" as far as my wife is concerned for the time being

Paul CA @PF-3219

When I'm done suing him I'll put his house amd assets into a nonprofit dox fund

Logan CA @PF-935365

That sucks brother. Have you gotten any blowback from it yet?

Logan CA @PF-935365

Hell yeah! Fuck that pos up

Paul CA @PF-3219

No in California they can't fire us. Employment code 1101 and 1102

Paul CA @PF-3219

As long as you aren't representing your employer or on their time you are covered

Paul CA @PF-3219

Liberals made this law so they couldn't be fired by republicans of course lol

Logan CA @PF-935365

Oh, well that’s good. I wasn’t aware of that law. So, as of now there’s been no repercussions from the doxx?

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