(DM) Samuel NJ & Adam IN
RocketChat ID: DdbK2Jfh4syg33tKvdgCpZfW745MF5tvGv
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Hey, what is your experience in the medical field? Thomas wanted me to ask you about it so we can decide who are going to be primary medics.
my experience in the medical field relates to wilderness first aid and things of that nature, I have under my belt both the BSA/Red Cross Remote first aid course and have been the acting medic on several High Adventure scout trips, Such as Hiking on the A.T and canoeing for a week in the Adirondack state park in NY
Do you have all your stuff ready to go for Dec 3rd or is some of it still shipping?
I am only going to have limited things becuase my ifak is still shipping,
Oh man, it wont be here before the 3rd?
It will not be, just checked, If anyone i bringing an extra kit I can pay them if I ue items from the kit but my own Ifak will not be in,
I got screwed with shipping delays
Mark PA might be a better primary medic, he is more in shape and is an actice emt from what I understand.
He is kinda new so thats why he isnt in the medic channel
How well equipped is he? Do you know?
He told me he could get me almost any forst aid item in person because of his job.
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