(DM) Jason NY & Tyler SD

RocketChat ID: 5RFw79kEsrz255mpsknQHoBXHDucDnvidj

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Jason NY @PF-3527

I am updating the interviewer schedule, what days of the week would you like to commit to being online for interviews?

Tyler SD @PF-604908

Barring this week (I'll be out Thursday), I can commit to Monday - Thursday

Jason NY @PF-3527

Gotcha thanks

Tyler SD @PF-604908

Got a POC going, I'll send you a link you can pull the test CSV from soon enough

Tyler SD @PF-604908

Needs to be fleshed out, but here's the gist:

https://1b24-184-83-81-75.ngrok.io/rocket-chat/hook - is the hook that RC will POST the activism messages to
https://1b24-184-83-81-75.ngrok.io/report - will download the CSV with the report; formatted as "Activist", "State", "City", "Location"

Tyler SD @PF-604908

Oh, and auth is
user: activist
pass: activistpassword

Tyler SD @PF-604908

I'll leave it up until you get eyes on it, and I'll move forward with actually parsing and regex'ing the message text once I get the go-ahead from you

Jason NY @PF-3527

Damn that was quick

Jason NY @PF-3527

Checking it out now

Jason NY @PF-3527

Should I try sending a POST request to it?

Tyler SD @PF-604908

You can but you'll just get a 200 for now

Jason NY @PF-3527


Jason NY @PF-3527

This will definitely work for what we're trying to do

Tyler SD @PF-604908

Roger that, I'll have something more complete tonight. I swapped to Go because I prefer it over Python for reasons I won't get into, so there's a couple of options for how it can be packaged up for use:

1. Complete binary; compile targeting the server, send binary to server
2. Zip project and run with Docker

I like 2 more because you'll have the source to build and can see what's in it, but it will be more resource intensive since it will be built on the server.

Jason NY @PF-3527

It'll only need to run on the receiving server right?

Tyler SD @PF-604908


Jason NY @PF-3527

Docker should be fine

Tyler SD @PF-604908


Jason NY @PF-3527


Tyler SD @PF-604908

lmao "Roger That"

Jason NY @PF-3527

Rodger Dodger, wilco.

Tyler SD @PF-604908

o7 groyper commander

Tyler SD @PF-604908

Got the parsing working extremely well (until one of the guys has a post with a wild format), need to add clauses for handling multiple posts from the same location and when there's more than one guy involved (or not if that wouldn't be important)

Jason NY @PF-3527

It's not important

Jason NY @PF-3527

Might be best to just be City and State so that it is easier to export and turn into a map

Tyler SD @PF-604908
Tyler SD @PF-604908

docker-compose build and then docker-compose up will bring it up listening on port 1488; default user/password (for report) and RC token can be changed through docker-compose.yml. Let me know if anything is unclear or would want to be changed.

Jason NY @PF-3527

I am extremely impressed with you bro, seems like you thought of every possibility with this code

Jason NY @PF-3527

Gonna tell Thomas you should be on the tech team

Tyler SD @PF-604908

Hope it serves well! Thank you, I appreciate that.

Jason NY @PF-3527

When I try to authenticate at /report it just resets the page. Any idea what would cause that?

Jason NY @PF-3527


Tyler SD @PF-604908

Negative; are you auth'ing through the browser or curl?

Jason NY @PF-3527


Jason NY @PF-3527

I changed the password in both docker-compose and main.go

Tyler SD @PF-604908

To the same one?

Jason NY @PF-3527


Tyler SD @PF-604908

Gotcha, I hate to say it but can you try a different browser?

Jason NY @PF-3527

Sure, gotta download one 1 sec

Tyler SD @PF-604908

LOL thank you. Shouldn't be an issue but I'm wondering why the page resets when you try to auth, it should either reprompt you or give you the file.

Jason NY @PF-3527

It reprompts

Tyler SD @PF-604908

Oh, then it's a creds issue; you're using the creds in the dc.yml file?

Jason NY @PF-3527


Jason NY @PF-3527

Password has special characters in it, could that be the problem?

Tyler SD @PF-604908

I wouldn't think so, but maybe

Tyler SD @PF-604908

Worst case scenario, add log.Info(os.Getenv("USER"), os.Getenv("PASS"), user, pass) before the server starts to see where the disconnect is between the env creds and used creds

Tyler SD @PF-604908

Then rebuild of course.

Jason NY @PF-3527

I'm just gonna go pajeet mode and turn VM off and then back on again

Jason NY @PF-3527

Wouldn't be surprised if that fixes it

Tyler SD @PF-604908

RT, keep me posted

Jason NY @PF-3527

Okay, auth problem solved. I must not have set up the integration correctly though as it hasn't received my POSTs.

Jason NY @PF-3527

The hook link would be right

Tyler SD @PF-604908

Is RC in docker?

Jason NY @PF-3527


Tyler SD @PF-604908

Ok, then you'll want to get your machine IP and replace localhost with that

Jason NY @PF-3527

Got it

Tyler SD @PF-604908

In the future that can be streamlined so that the containers have overlayed networking and can talk to each other directly without having to do that.

Jason NY @PF-3527

On production it'll be from one server to another rather than local communication

Jason NY @PF-3527

so it should be fine

Tyler SD @PF-604908


Jason NY @PF-3527

Has the script for the integration changed?

Jason NY @PF-3527

Btw if you're at work or something we can troubleshoot this later tonight just lmk

Tyler SD @PF-604908

Barely at work, at a stand-up meeting right now. Yeah, the script has changed, you can just disable it altogether.

Tyler SD @PF-604908

Long story short the message text is part of the attachment and not the 'msg' text

Jason NY @PF-3527

Is the new script included in the zip you sent me?

Tyler SD @PF-604908

No no no, I mean you can disable the script in the integration, there isn't one

Jason NY @PF-3527

Okay, I'm gonna send you a screenshot of the integration and of the docker-compose since it isn't receiving my POSTs atm

Tyler SD @PF-604908


Jason NY @PF-3527
Missing attachment: int1.png
Jason NY @PF-3527
Missing attachment: int2.png
Jason NY @PF-3527


Tyler SD @PF-604908

http instead of https in the URL. And when you got to the that shows up in the logs, right?

Tyler SD @PF-604908


Jason NY @PF-3527

It does show that in logs

Jason NY @PF-3527

Changing to http fixed it lol

Tyler SD @PF-604908

And did you can the port in the source too? Because otherwise I'd say change the port bind from "1515:1515" to "1515:1488"

Tyler SD @PF-604908


Jason NY @PF-3527

I did change it in source as well

Tyler SD @PF-604908


Jason NY @PF-3527

Okay amazing, working perfectly

Jason NY @PF-3527

Thanks so much for your hard work on this, glad to finally have this automated

Jason NY @PF-3527

When I'm online tonight if you're available I'll screenshare with you while I install this on production just to be extra careful that I don't break anything

Tyler SD @PF-604908

Of course! I'll be available tonight and we'll get it setup.

Jason NY @PF-3527


Jason NY @PF-3527

Thomas wants to wait until he's back from the demo so we'll put this on the backburner for about a week

Tyler SD @PF-604908


Tyler SD @PF-604908

Hook me up with the Cryptpad spreadsheet Patriot

Jason NY @PF-3527

Send me a contact request here:

Tyler SD @PF-604908


Jason NY @PF-3527

Okay, I added you to the sheet. Check the bell icon for the notif.

Tyler SD @PF-604908


Tyler SD @PF-604908

Good to go, thank you!

Jason NY @PF-3527


Jason NY @PF-3527

Quick programming question for you. Where would I start if I wanted to make an automation script to update some software on linux 1 release at a time?

Jason NY @PF-3527


systemctl stop software
rm /etc/software
curl website.com/software/software-version-1.2.x (and so on)
npm install software-version-1.2.x
chown -R software-version-1.2.x
systemctl start software

Jason NY @PF-3527

and each time it'd be version 1.2.3, then 1.2.4 and so on

Jason NY @PF-3527

nvm, figured it out

Tyler SD @PF-604908

lmao, I left it read as I got into interviews

Jason NY @PF-3527

No worries, was easy to do with bash script and an array

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