Message from PF-6666

RocketChat ID: AZmbND7sma4XawEzE

Regarding @Billy IN - I was very close to asking he be removed prior to meeting with Victor and him explaining some things to me. Since our call with him on October 10, he has become much more responsive to all messages, he has improved in joining meetings, and joined/was put into the fitness recovery program, albeit I'm told that he misses their meetings and is not very active there. He has not improved in activism and has had Two sticker runs since our call that I'm aware of, one of which I had to force him to do. He is full of excuses for continuously not being active and I honestly do not know how truthful any of it is. He did not attend the Ohio hike because Ethan's car broke down. He did not attend the DC march because he got a positive Covid result the day before the march. Ethan didn't come because he had a car wreck texting Billy while driving. Billy saying he can't do stickering because he's out of promat... I told these things to Victor, who assured me that they're all true. That Billy most likely had Covid for at least a week prior but had just then gotten the result, and that Ethan really did wreck trying to message them.

Another concern I've had is that I was made aware that Billy is a recurring guest on Matthew Heimbach's National Bolshevik podcast. It doesn't sit right with me that our guys associate with infamous anti-fascist, anti-racist, self proclaimed Communist figures who works with BLM. I listened to about an hour of one of these episodes in which Billy identifies as a Socialist and mocks anti-Communists/the JQ: "aw durrr it's aalll jews, jews are the only reason people want better material conditions its cuz a jewss". He has previously fought tooth and nail with Gerard and I that Jews had anything to do with the rise of Communism especially in the Russian Revolution. So, again, I told these concerns to Victor, saying that I don't want to split hairs over little differences of opinion, but I cannot tolerate anything that is opposed to the fundamentals of our movement or organization. He told me that he, Billy, and Ethan are all Nazbols, and that it does not conflict with our fundamentals and is its own type of Fascism. I told him I admittedly don't have that much knowledge about Strasserism/Nazbolism, and he said that they basically have different views especially regarding class, the economy and historical events.

He told me he's known Billy since they were kids and that even though Billy is retarded, he means well and his heart is in the right place and is definitely not a subversive element. He told me they are apparently friends with Heimbach in person and tried convincing me that he is trustworthy too, which I will never believe.