Message from TylerSD
RocketChat ID: gdKwGoxz87LLW35n7
Result: Accepted
27 Years Old/NC/Raleigh (Permres: Yes)
Conductor: Jesse AR
Notes: Tyler SD
Test Question: Have you spoken with anyone who has interviewed before about the process?
Answer: Has not.
Interviewed before: No.
Transport: Yes.
Drugs: No.
Crimes: No.
Govt Employ: No.
Ailments: No.
1. Interested in Political theory when younger (superficially), growing up in poverty amongst a multi-racial area has cemented his political beliefs and morality. It was in 9th grade lit class that he read the "docterine of Fascism", came to realize that the image the ideology painted was better than anything he had seen around him or posed elsewhere. Became sick of nihilism surrounding him, that there was a disconcern not just from his cohorts but society writ large, which pushed him further into ideology; read The Myth of the 21st Century by Spengler, Revolt against the modern world, (amongst others that he said very rapidly). Further saw little advancement from either political side, red vs blue, no solution other than third position was evident. Came upon Iron march in 2010s, realized the importance of self-respect and discipline on there. Once again the docterine of fascism fit into reality better than anything else he saw.
2. Labels self as a National-Socialist.
3. Heard about the Org after Unite The Right, right after it was born out of Vanguard America, the first impression that influenced him was the professionalism of the website in addition to our activism. Hear about org years ago, but is joining now because though he criticized others for nihilism, he fell into that pit himself; the D.C. march pulled him from that pit and forced him towards helping the Org. Agrees to being capable of everything activists in Org do.
4. Doesn't believe in civnationalism, says culture/country and race are intertwined and that American values (forward thinking, mesh of old and new world, tradition needs to adapt to survive) is decidedly White. But does say that non-Whites can live with Americans, but will never be American.
5. At least 5 generations, family is Irish and German; described self as White ethnically.
6. Still attends Church, but considers self a deist, has dabbled in paganism but feels it's conflated with wickens and neo-pagans. Has never felt like religious beliefs are at odds with political. No issues working with activists of other beliefs.
7. Has been camping his entire life, knows medicine (former pharm-tech).
8. At home routine is mostly cardio (5 days), every other day focuses on a part of his body (ex. monday arms, legs wednesday, etc). Would be able to run mile in under 10 min. 5'10", 130 lbs.
9. Never participated in activism, has some similarly minded friends and family but none who lean in as far as him. Wanted to get involved because he realizes the need to get involved now, in addition to the response from luke-warm conservatives who cannot imagine anyone but feds being as organized as we are. Sees self fitting in as an activist.
10. Spengler described society as a body, believes degeneracy is the biggest threat because it is an infection upon the body. Believes the cultural-marxists are behind it, later describes them as the jews, in addition to neo-liberals who are driving to create neo-feudalism.