Message from PF-626733

RocketChat ID: KQKAb7LXo2vZBJeiS

Called the Athens of The South and built for the 1897 Tennessee Centennial celebrating Tennessee's first 100 years of statehood, on land previously used as a staging area for soldiers in both The War of 1812 and The Civil War. The Parthenon pays tribute to Athena, daughter of Zeus and hailed as the goddess of wisdom. Inside the temple which is scaled to the size of the original temple in Athens, it houses the largest indoor sculpture in Western Civilization. Athena stands at 42 ft and is holding Nike, the goddess of victory, in her palm. Victory cannot be achieved without the preservation of the givers of lifeā€¦the matriarch. The Parthenon allows sons and daughters of the west to see ideal, classical architecture. It shows us what our ancestors truly cared about, which was the wealth of wisdom. The original architect was William Crawford Smith who was a Confederate States Army veteran.

@Jesse NC I made some edits that I think improve the text. Feel free to implement them, or if you disagree with them let me know :)