Message from PF-626733

RocketChat ID: Qa5Zj663vhrkvdt8c

we have consistent high quality activism media. Focus on quality not just quantity. We have only done like 4 banner drops this year, but we've stenciled probably 1-2 times a month every month, and each time we stencil we do 2-4 cities. Make sure the footage you get is usable for telegram posts and the AR.

Now, doing more activism will always help with increasing the applicant rate, but it won't help as much as we may like to think. I've spoken to multiple ND's about this, and they have all said that you really can't do much about increasing applicant rate, but you can do a lot to have good retention. Retention is what I have focused on over doing tons of high level stuff to get attention. The only actions which boost application rate are high publicity actions like our blm coverup or like the MO FBI Billboard cover up. The thing is, you can't expect your cluster/network to do that kind of high level stuff frequently. There are two main reasons.
1. its hard. A lot of time, risk, money, and organizing goes into planning and actually doing these actions.
2. If you do that kind of stuff on a regular basis then the feds are gonna get way more active in your area. The police aren't gonna investigate low level activism or one off big things every now and then, but if you do big stuff every 2 months or less then you will be under much higher scrutiny. The police will take much higher note of even small things IF you're doing regular high risk high publicity stuff. New guys will sometimes get really afraid of stupid stuff like them tracking fingerprints off stickers. That obviously never happens, but if it were to, it would be after the police are told by higher-ups that the guys in X state need to be caught because of all this big stuff.

Basically my point is that big things like our blm coverup are impactful for recruitment, but you can't do too much of it. You gotta be careful.