Message from PF-3564

RocketChat ID: cq9s8HzM7BK4Eyt3G

Victor DE:
My wife went to some meeting with some former coworkers about the vaccine bullshit. Some local politician showed up and started being a normal prostitute but during his whoring he mentioned something interesting. You want to guess which group came up during his ranting about taking America back?

Samuel VA:
Fuck the fuck off

Youre telling me some suit is talking positively about us?

Victor DE:
I wouldn't say positively only because he's a politician. I view it as a way to garnish votes or a way to appear youthful and active to help his own lacking vitality. Personal opinion aside there is a local politician going to meetings of local people talking about us and our actions and I quote "groups like PF are out there trying to reclaim the America we used to know".

Samuel VA:
He said "patriot front" - explicitly?

Victor DE:
100% said our name to a group of 20ish middle class whites I quoted him verbatim.

I shouldn't say middle class everyone in the room is far higher up on the social and educational ladder than I. It was a room of doctors and nurses.