Message from PF-3274

RocketChat ID: j9s7mA4rRHQ6w5Dq6

My girlfriend's mother was talking all about the march last night and how we are exploding into Boomer circles truly for the first time. Paranoia is a natural reaction for the masses' exposure to something new and powerful. We must press the Nation's Flag even more in our coming Actions and Promat Placement to reinforce our image and message, and these delusions in time will subside. Our ubiquitous Activism will brush all paranoia aside and leave only heartfelt support and allegiance, or the most bitter resistance and hatred. Dividing the apathetic public into these two categories are a necessary and monumental achievement and is the first step to real change. Congratulate yourselves on getting thus far, but do not lessen your commitment or your fanaticism even a little, there is still a long way to go. Steel your hearts and sharpen your minds. Keep up the pressure and the work bros! :PF-Flag: