Message from @RyeNorth

Discord ID: 489631136524271627

2018-09-13 02:55:26 UTC  

It's mostly small colleges no one has heard of though.

2018-09-13 02:55:30 UTC  

I just had a laugh at that, pratel.

2018-09-13 02:55:30 UTC  

try as they might

2018-09-13 02:55:33 UTC  

Ironically, the more right-leaning ones.

2018-09-13 02:55:33 UTC  

I really shouldn't have.

2018-09-13 02:56:05 UTC  

The one affiliated with Bernie Sander's wife wnet bankrupt and closed. That was a minor controversy actually as there were some sketchy loans approved near the end of it all.

2018-09-13 02:56:07 UTC  

Yeah, I'm wondering about the colleges with sprawling campuses.

2018-09-13 02:56:10 UTC  

Ones with dormatories.

2018-09-13 02:56:18 UTC  

That would include the ones that were closed.

2018-09-13 02:56:40 UTC  

The big state schools aren't closing, they have too much grip on state politicians and too much money.

2018-09-13 02:56:59 UTC  

But the small privates in weird corners of the country? Collapsing at an alarming rate.

2018-09-13 02:57:14 UTC  

Harvard thinks there will be half as many Unis in 2030 as there are now.

2018-09-13 02:57:16 UTC  

I have to wonder how bad they can hurt before the politicians call it though...

2018-09-13 02:57:29 UTC  


2018-09-13 02:57:37 UTC  

What do you think "free college for all" does?

2018-09-13 02:57:50 UTC  

destroys us.

2018-09-13 02:58:30 UTC  

devalues college to bascially being a high school diploma

2018-09-13 02:59:00 UTC  

Also correct.

2018-09-13 02:59:03 UTC  

lowers the quality, and creates a giant burden on the taxpayers

2018-09-13 02:59:12 UTC  

Tbh at some point the political parties have to be upended, on one side or the other

2018-09-13 02:59:19 UTC  

Eliminates competition between colleges.

2018-09-13 02:59:36 UTC  

They should be, Beemann

2018-09-13 02:59:42 UTC  

But it's a 'You First' standoff.

2018-09-13 02:59:54 UTC  

There's too many "this exists because why would politicians vote against it" scenarios

2018-09-13 03:00:09 UTC  

That's why, right now, we need to try to reform one party

2018-09-13 03:00:16 UTC  

and I don't think we'll get very far with the Democrats.

2018-09-13 03:00:24 UTC  

It also crystallizes Social Justice forever and makes college even more important for getting a good job.

2018-09-13 03:00:35 UTC  

@RyeNorth what do you propose?

2018-09-13 03:00:41 UTC  

As I've said

2018-09-13 03:00:48 UTC  

Get involved with the Republican Party.

2018-09-13 03:00:56 UTC  

A political party is it's membership.

2018-09-13 03:01:13 UTC  

The only way to sway one is to join one and start steering.

2018-09-13 03:01:27 UTC  

This is how the Democrats got to where they are.

2018-09-13 03:01:44 UTC  

They're in their Donkey-shaped Zord already. We're still on the ground getting stepped on.

2018-09-13 03:02:06 UTC  


2018-09-13 03:02:18 UTC  

Though I don't think the Republican party is nearly that powerful.

2018-09-13 03:02:33 UTC  

Two words. Donald J. Trump.

2018-09-13 03:02:36 UTC  

I threw a letter in free.

2018-09-13 03:02:38 UTC  

Really, there needs to be a better ACLU. One dedicated to protecting free speech without reservation.

2018-09-13 03:03:00 UTC  

An alternative to the SPLC that doesn't just make hatchet jobs to deperson people.

2018-09-13 03:03:29 UTC  

Organizations to connect people and get them to help, as the church did in the past and groups like We (on the left) do now