Message from @Schedrevka

Discord ID: 490607128067964938

2018-09-15 19:32:31 UTC  

Oh her.

2018-09-15 19:32:32 UTC  


2018-09-15 19:32:36 UTC  

She ruins Matt's show.

2018-09-15 19:32:56 UTC  

nah, I think he's a good moderating influence and she drags him out of neutral positions to examine issues

2018-09-15 19:32:58 UTC  

i mean the lady i should probably have ended up marrying, i had met online and we were together a good 5 years or so if you count all the online time too

2018-09-15 19:33:00 UTC  


2018-09-15 19:33:01 UTC  

plus the bants are good

2018-09-15 19:33:02 UTC  

She sucks. D:

2018-09-15 19:33:19 UTC  

She's Yoko to his Lennon.

2018-09-15 19:33:20 UTC  

she'll probably bow out once she pops out a kid though, as per her prior statements

2018-09-15 19:33:26 UTC  

Yeah I'm not so much of a fan of her as Matt

2018-09-15 19:33:33 UTC  

She's grown on me over time

2018-09-15 19:34:44 UTC  

I still agree with Matt way more often, but I like that she's there, and I'll be sad when she bails out to full time mother

2018-09-15 19:34:49 UTC  

I think online dating is probably a bit different when you're out of your 20's.

2018-09-15 19:35:03 UTC  

thats def some truth

2018-09-15 19:35:12 UTC  

my dating range goes into the thirties

2018-09-15 19:35:19 UTC  

it's *worse*

2018-09-15 19:36:28 UTC  

ya i just never got the update manual for all the rule changes

2018-09-15 19:36:34 UTC  

the "requirements" list for a 22 year old vs a 32 year old is like walking up a hill vs climbing Killimanjaro

2018-09-15 19:36:42 UTC  

so i just got left behind with todays version of dating

2018-09-15 19:37:34 UTC  

Haha, well by the time I'm that age I'll surely have a lot more of the boxes checked off... right?(please kill me)

2018-09-15 19:38:06 UTC  

ya most people will, i am just one of those people that tripped all of that up, dont mind me lol

2018-09-15 19:40:23 UTC  

when you reach in your 30's and 40's the only girls your age are baby mommas and "undesirables" or "sjws"

2018-09-15 19:40:26 UTC  

That probably is why a man's 'desireability rating' increases as they age though. Women complain about being judged based on looks(and that's often a fair thing to be upset with), but I've gotta say it sounds nice to have people value you by default rather than having to prove yourself to everyone.

2018-09-15 19:40:45 UTC  

Human being vs human doing

2018-09-15 19:41:19 UTC  

i feel like if i say bingo to @acarson im going to get knifed lol

2018-09-15 19:41:38 UTC  

i mean its not toally that bad, but feels that way some days

2018-09-15 19:41:45 UTC  

we all know SJWs will stay single and miserable

2018-09-15 19:41:52 UTC  

because guys will consider them "damaged goods"

2018-09-15 19:42:15 UTC  

and at this point being 38 and single, i get seen as damaged goods also to be honest

2018-09-15 19:42:20 UTC  

there is a 2 way street

2018-09-15 19:42:41 UTC  

i always hear "oh well, you just need to settle on whatever you get" from family lol

2018-09-15 19:42:47 UTC  

Thankfully they have political lesbianism for them to fix that. Because sexuality is a choice. 🌈

2018-09-15 19:42:51 UTC  

When I turned 30 I pretty much decided it was over. My search is done.

2018-09-15 19:43:07 UTC  

if it makes you feel better, women when they hit their 30's and 40's end up becoming more promiuscuous, but only for guys who are fresh from high school

2018-09-15 19:43:19 UTC  


2018-09-15 19:43:31 UTC  

It was done before, because it was going so poorly. But now there's also *no point.* With the best of luck, this would still be terrible.

2018-09-15 19:43:39 UTC  

ya but i get called the creepy old guy these days for dating a 21 year old

2018-09-15 19:44:05 UTC  

its an instinctive thing, women at that age feel like their sexual market value is low so they try to be promiscuous with younger more virile men so they feel like they have sexual market value

2018-09-15 19:44:27 UTC  
2018-09-15 19:44:32 UTC  

but these days all that is all flipped around, women have all the dating market value in todays world