Message from @TylerC

Discord ID: 490603757550174220

2018-09-15 19:14:42 UTC  

well thats good to hear at least

2018-09-15 19:15:07 UTC  

My line seem to have a lot of guys actually, I have 4 uncles and no aunts

2018-09-15 19:15:13 UTC  


2018-09-15 19:15:33 UTC  

Once my mom and stepdad-to-be marry though, it'll be a little more unbalanced

2018-09-15 19:15:51 UTC  

It'll be like 8:5 instead of 4:0

2018-09-15 19:16:42 UTC  

ya thats how it goes these days i guess. i never put much thought into all of the birthrate stuff to be honest

2018-09-15 19:17:04 UTC  

really wasnt ever anything i considered myself a part of since i went the route of no kids

2018-09-15 19:17:15 UTC  

i really got no skin in that game, so i cant really say shit there

2018-09-15 19:19:34 UTC  

and i broke the converastion again, my bad lol

2018-09-15 19:22:10 UTC  

My girl and I are pretty open to having quite a few kids tbf

2018-09-15 19:22:23 UTC  

i see the debate just hopped chanels, man i cant even get in on that one

2018-09-15 19:22:26 UTC  

She wants at least two, up to four, which is exactly what I suggested

2018-09-15 19:22:46 UTC  

ya there you go

2018-09-15 19:22:59 UTC  

>virgin childless alt right
>chad centrist

2018-09-15 19:23:08 UTC  

i wanted to have them, but really messed up my chances for it and think its a little late to be having kids

2018-09-15 19:23:22 UTC  

for me anyways

2018-09-15 19:23:30 UTC  

nah, remember the Tim vid

2018-09-15 19:23:38 UTC  

your marketability peaks at 50

2018-09-15 19:23:43 UTC  

I'm 19 so time's on my side, it's an LDR so I gotta get el dinero before I get started but I should be popping em out by 30

2018-09-15 19:24:03 UTC  

ya i saw the vid, ill put it like this, i have never been a marketing wiz

2018-09-15 19:24:10 UTC  

then or now lol

2018-09-15 19:24:20 UTC  

maybe when im 50 ill get a clue

2018-09-15 19:24:24 UTC  

you are a viable baby maker basically until you die or your junk stops working (and even for the latter we now have drugs)

2018-09-15 19:24:45 UTC  

we have the technology

2018-09-15 19:24:56 UTC  

we can rebuild him

2018-09-15 19:25:49 UTC  

im just taking a dating break while the world is a little wacko right now

2018-09-15 19:26:42 UTC  

yeah, tbh I would just work on meeting people more generally and then go from there. That's been my MO and it's less stressful and annoying than when I tried to get into online dating and shit (which is dysfunctional)

2018-09-15 19:26:51 UTC  

Also you can freeze your sperm and make them babies when you're dead if you want.

2018-09-15 19:27:08 UTC  

I think everyone here is in agreement that online dating is shit

2018-09-15 19:27:09 UTC  

Green bird is fulla BUNK

2018-09-15 19:27:13 UTC  

you arent wrong there @Beemann

2018-09-15 19:27:14 UTC  


2018-09-15 19:27:16 UTC  


2018-09-15 19:27:20 UTC  


2018-09-15 19:27:47 UTC  

you cant tell me what to do #resist

2018-09-15 19:27:51 UTC  

Don't tell me what I can and can't do you oppressor

2018-09-15 19:28:45 UTC  

I'm necrogender you shitlord

2018-09-15 19:29:05 UTC  

ooo one for people that are dead inside , i like it

2018-09-15 19:29:08 UTC  

I identify as a lich

2018-09-15 19:29:26 UTC  

shit, i think half the world will count

2018-09-15 19:30:03 UTC  

but its too close too too many bad words, so it will get labaled as racist in