Message from @Lagomaster24

Discord ID: 491065380987600897

2018-09-17 01:53:33 UTC  

they are being told that yes but its often irrelevant to them at the polls

2018-09-17 01:53:41 UTC  

partisans eat that shit up

2018-09-17 01:53:47 UTC  

Not news, but singers and actors and comedians and sports stars. They're watching their entertainment and receiving propaganda at the same time. With nothing to counter that they're going to be predisposed to believe it because they'll think it's normal.

2018-09-17 01:54:22 UTC  

Well I am trying to get through to some democrats, maybe they will put these petty vindicated shit and work with the Republicans. I basically tell them it is better to be in the conversation about the things you want to change than to be shut out because you can't keep your hatred in check.

2018-09-17 01:54:27 UTC  

Some pop star with a bazillion fans says 'fuck Trump' and people just go with that by default.

2018-09-17 01:55:02 UTC  

Turn an enemy into a ally.

2018-09-17 01:55:05 UTC  


2018-09-17 01:55:10 UTC  

Change hearts and minds.

2018-09-17 01:55:11 UTC  

Only people that are really invested in celebrities are themselves and millennials that haven't grown out of fucking harry potter yet.

2018-09-17 01:55:23 UTC  

Basically if they hear everyone saying 'fuck Trump' they assume that's the socially safe, widely held position, and that's how they'll vote.

2018-09-17 01:55:56 UTC  

You know... all the people who attacked Trump and Republicans will be in for a rude awakening soon.

2018-09-17 01:55:57 UTC  

The Dem in my district wants to bi-partisan

2018-09-17 01:56:04 UTC  

I am noticing people are leaving Democrats because their because.

2018-09-17 01:56:08 UTC  

Not because of the Republicans.

2018-09-17 01:56:13 UTC  

They themselves are destroying their own party.

2018-09-17 01:57:04 UTC  

Im impressed that some of the Moderate Dems are sticking around

2018-09-17 01:57:40 UTC  

Corporate Dems will co-opt the socialists to gain more power cause they think its popular

2018-09-17 01:57:55 UTC  

Moderate Dems are stuck in the middle and dont speak out

2018-09-17 01:57:58 UTC  

they should

2018-09-17 01:58:16 UTC  

this is part of the reason im not to keen on #WalkAway

2018-09-17 01:58:30 UTC  

because its running from the problem imo

2018-09-17 01:58:44 UTC  

I don't see why Bernie can follow through with this...

2018-09-17 01:58:58 UTC  

He is following lock heel step with the Democrats in their hatred towards Trump.

2018-09-17 01:59:46 UTC  

Dems are Moral Panicing

2018-09-17 02:00:36 UTC  

the paradigm is not shifting in their favor so they want people freaking out even if they don't actually achieve anything from it

2018-09-17 02:01:18 UTC  

If somebody had some balls and a brain they could steer the Dems into a good direction

2018-09-17 02:01:38 UTC  

but theyre either to afraid or to stupid to do it

2018-09-17 02:02:16 UTC  

They paid him didnt they?

2018-09-17 02:02:20 UTC  

hell more people like us need to move in on this shit

2018-09-17 02:02:33 UTC  

like put some new people in

2018-09-17 02:02:40 UTC  

internet age people

2018-09-17 02:02:45 UTC  

Anyways I am heading to bed.

2018-09-17 02:02:49 UTC  

You guys have a good day.

2018-09-17 02:02:57 UTC  

get rid of the old corporate crones

2018-09-17 02:03:05 UTC  

I can respect your tenacity, but just remember, the Democrats are undergoing an internal revolution right now and the party and extremes exhibit a great deal of control.

2018-09-17 02:03:29 UTC  

Uh, this was aimed at your comment about WalkAway.

2018-09-17 02:03:41 UTC  

yea because Corporates (Ones in power) are using the Radicals

2018-09-17 02:04:07 UTC  

What internal revolution? Looks like the DNC has already quashed any far left uprising.

2018-09-17 02:04:07 UTC  

The people Walking Away have the potential to fight this but dont

2018-09-17 02:04:27 UTC  

DNC changed the Super Delegate Rules