Message from @frankvl
Discord ID: 271766813056958464
found it
There's no friendship windmills emoti
it's in utf-8
you don't need an emoji
@Slav You aren't wrong. The Russians don't fuck around.
I guess that the real issue is that nuclear weapons are a "fuck it, everyone loses" button that too many people have
so a real war against superpowers won't really happen
unless you buy into nuclear weapons doesn't real
@frankvl I'm still waiting for Iran vs The World.
read the article, it's not talking about a nuclear showdown
iran vs the world sounds like a very profitable and costly mess
Iran isn't our enemy tbh, or it shouldn't be
I am yet to see an Iranian blow up something in Europe
iran shouldn't be our enemy any more than other theological islamic scum
I guess that iran isn't a part of the current invasion no
which is good
There is no reason why to pick a fight with Iran and not with Saudi Arabia.
Except...Iran actively fights there is that.
the second step is clandestine operations against shitskin and kike nuclear capability
the third step is a germanic empire
@Slav That part about U.S. military needing to be fed, clothed, and paid is accurate and embarrassing. It's the way it is.
there was this kike propagandist on a dutch talkshow today
talking about his battle against ~fake news~
where he denounced this article about boxes of ballots found with hillary printed on
and said he was sad that the golden shower story wasn't real
fucking kikes
why do they get airtime
this guy was a nobody
There are talks to get Breitbart and InfoWars into White House press conferences.
that sounds amazing
I want alex jones as press secretary
or president
@frankvl Because (((they))) are considered the "golden minorities", besides Latinos, Muslims, Asians, women, and whatever the transgender are.