Message from @Eric Black

Discord ID: 493528479715819529

2018-09-23 21:00:48 UTC  

Different types but yes

2018-09-23 21:00:50 UTC  
2018-09-23 21:00:52 UTC  

You should, I think if everyone watched him.. they would instantly chill lol. He is our carl sagon (sry spelling off, kinda meh)

2018-09-23 21:00:55 UTC  

fission is current nuclear power, fusion is what we are working on

2018-09-23 21:01:07 UTC  

Fusion is the goal then

2018-09-23 21:01:12 UTC  

Fusion is the sun

2018-09-23 21:01:13 UTC  

Thanks for that G

2018-09-23 21:01:14 UTC  


2018-09-23 21:02:02 UTC  

Once we have fusion, we can have a decent life for all imo. It’s really the next level of civilization. Like what the internet did for communication.

2018-09-23 21:02:14 UTC  

@Eric Black eh, I'm not actually concerned about it though. I'll long be dead before it becomes an issue and recycling will delay it. Then there's the potential for converting some types of materials into uses for others.

2018-09-23 21:02:29 UTC  
2018-09-23 21:02:42 UTC  

Met, we might be 10 years out. We are very close

2018-09-23 21:02:55 UTC  

matter doesn't disappear, but the energy required to turn it back into what is useful for us is way too much

2018-09-23 21:03:09 UTC  

at least until we nail down fusion, and even then

2018-09-23 21:03:32 UTC  

I highly doubt 10 years out. People have constantly said the same about oil yet continued exploration finds new pockets of what ever resource is being sought after.

2018-09-23 21:03:55 UTC  

Either way, our grandchildren will have it and it will be a way to fix the earth. Not to mention leave it, again issiac authors videos are epic on such things.

2018-09-23 21:04:06 UTC  

I would not be surprised to see the first prototype asteroid mines in the next 20 years or so

2018-09-23 21:04:09 UTC  

That doesn't mean we shouldn't be careful. It does mean I don't necessarily buy into the doom and gloom of worst case scenario.

2018-09-23 21:04:50 UTC  

Right, because oil is still the cheapest per investment. Once fusion is online, that’s way different and the next monopoly of energy will be on that tech. Electric cars are paving the way for that now.

2018-09-23 21:05:58 UTC  

It’s also kinda why I feel socialism will win out. The governments ability to make promises to citizens looking for hand outs. “Energy is a right” 2044

2018-09-23 21:06:42 UTC  

i think all the shit we are sending off into space is a bigger danger to depleting our resources than making stuff on earth. At least most stuff on earth stays on earth and you can get some of that material back once the items are no longer useful. doesn't work as well when you send shit off into space.

2018-09-23 21:06:55 UTC  

Not sure what fusion and electric cars have to do with my statement. Oil was an example of how our estimates can continue to be wrong. - a response to your 10 year comment on how long rare earth minerals may last.

2018-09-23 21:07:44 UTC  

G what you mean? We will be able to send resources to earth easy once we are in space.

2018-09-23 21:08:05 UTC  

to make things to send off farther into space

2018-09-23 21:08:32 UTC  

The belt past mars is like, a trillion billion earths worth of “stuff”

2018-09-23 21:09:11 UTC  

yes, and i imagine more power we can produce, the quicker we use stuff

2018-09-23 21:09:38 UTC  

still, once we have enough power to convert any matter into other matter, its not really a big concern

2018-09-23 21:09:47 UTC  

Now I’m begging you, watch Issiac lmao. He’s such a big picture dude and breaks down things realistically. Like why we need super materials and how we could make a ring world. Humans will look back at us with our WiFi, like we were full retards lol

2018-09-23 21:09:49 UTC  

then you can have like 100 recycle rate

2018-09-23 21:10:09 UTC  

The problem is, is the asteriod belt filled with the right "Stuff" needed for deep space explorations?

2018-09-23 21:10:22 UTC  

@Eric Black like how we look back out ourselves today?

2018-09-23 21:10:27 UTC  


2018-09-23 21:10:48 UTC  

The “stuff” in the belt could make more stuff then we might ever need.

2018-09-23 21:11:09 UTC  

Like, life of sun ya know?

2018-09-23 21:11:41 UTC  

i'm waiting until we cannibalize the moon then go "oh.... so THATS what it did for our ecosystem"

2018-09-23 21:12:15 UTC  

We already know what the moon does for our ecosystem

2018-09-23 21:12:26 UTC  

Lmao, the moon does need to be used. We need the moons stuff to get to the belt. But the idea is we keep adding mass to the moon we remove.

2018-09-23 21:12:30 UTC  

i'm sure there is shit we do not know that it does

2018-09-23 21:13:03 UTC  

We could take a .25 mile deep crust from the moon and be fine (math)

2018-09-23 21:13:09 UTC  

hell, we don't even really understand our oceans