Message from @Rabbi Shekels

Discord ID: 494968752601825282

2018-09-27 20:25:24 UTC  

In that sense, yes, they have also dragged _her_ through the mud.

2018-09-27 20:26:10 UTC  

Blue wave moar like blue waffle

2018-09-27 20:26:34 UTC  

It's been flipflopping in general as to whether we'll see a blue or red wave.

2018-09-27 20:26:35 UTC  

I get the impression that she is representing it as _certain_ that Brett Kavanaugh is the assailant, because otherwise it would not be taken with the same degree of seriousness.

2018-09-27 20:26:39 UTC  

It keeps changing colors

2018-09-27 20:26:54 UTC  

that should be the new way to refer to the twitter blue checkmark

2018-09-27 20:26:56 UTC  

a blue waffle

2018-09-27 20:27:03 UTC  

I think the Dem base cares more about the posturing/signalling of obstruction than the efficacy of it.

2018-09-27 20:27:05 UTC  


2018-09-27 20:27:13 UTC  

If I were POTUS, and I apointed someone, I would in the nomination stipulate a cut off time for the "Last Minute Anonymous Sexual assault accusations"

2018-09-27 20:27:18 UTC  


2018-09-27 20:27:20 UTC  


2018-09-27 20:27:50 UTC  

Shit kav came back on time

2018-09-27 20:27:50 UTC  

dude wasnt even talking for liek 20 secs after LOL

2018-09-27 20:27:54 UTC  

Unlike ford

2018-09-27 20:27:54 UTC  

yeeeeeeeeee of course

2018-09-27 20:28:01 UTC  

But I think that if you were to have a conversation with Dr. Ford in good faith, and in service purely of the truth, she would tell you that she can't really be certain it was Brett Kavanaugh; especially with the propensity of the human mind to insert prominent identities in place of people we've forgotten, in distant or soft memories.

2018-09-27 20:28:13 UTC  

he obviousley respects legal proceedings

2018-09-27 20:28:28 UTC  

democrats ran away?

2018-09-27 20:28:54 UTC  


2018-09-27 20:29:06 UTC  

Again with this fbi bullshit

2018-09-27 20:29:50 UTC  

Isn't it clear that the DNC is in bed with the Management at the FBI by this point?

2018-09-27 20:29:52 UTC  

The FBI needs to investigate my rapey tuna sandwich

2018-09-27 20:30:57 UTC  

wow this guys is fucking annoying

2018-09-27 20:30:59 UTC  

Trump has already cleaned out the very top of the FBI.

2018-09-27 20:31:10 UTC  


2018-09-27 20:31:13 UTC  


2018-09-27 20:31:18 UTC  


2018-09-27 20:32:13 UTC  

"Are you, or hae you ever been, a communist?"

2018-09-27 20:32:43 UTC  

LOL i laughed my ass off

2018-09-27 20:32:45 UTC  


2018-09-27 20:32:48 UTC  

Like the DNC asking "Are you still a member of the KKK?"

2018-09-27 20:32:52 UTC  

i heard a joke

2018-09-27 20:33:10 UTC  


2018-09-27 20:33:13 UTC  

about how some kid while hangin with his pops

2018-09-27 20:33:20 UTC  


2018-09-27 20:33:27 UTC  

heard his mom say that her dad was an economist

2018-09-27 20:33:38 UTC  

and then asks his dad

2018-09-27 20:33:47 UTC  

I losing it. He needs to stay on topic.

2018-09-27 20:33:47 UTC  

"are you a communist"

2018-09-27 20:33:59 UTC  

having mispronounced economist