Message from @LMA
Discord ID: 282740967692304393
I dunno, why would the CIA do that?
Love Alex Jones, he celebrates Trumps tweet about fake news failing then he tries to sell you Donald Trump special edition recievers haha
that's what i call a businessman
Any way to make money off of this Trump sensationalism is gold, I guess.
@Someguy that's not what Red Ice radio is saying. In fact other media outlets said there are no go zones. 60 minutes went to Sweden and I think they were in a no go zone - with the purpose of trying to dispel how bad the muscle invasion is.
They were wrong, and them being wrong was filmed on location LIVE.
have you seen this? Donald Trump deleted the original tweet because it had an error, yet the mainstream media ran with it using Trump of trying to delete the tweet
Yes, 60 minutes was wrong and it was good that we got to see that.
It turns out that the 11 million number of people who died in the Holocaust was inflated and it's per Jewish sources. 😳
PewDiePie's Media Contrived Anti-Semitism
‘Remember the 11 million’? Why an inflated victims tally irks Holocaust historians | Jewish Telegraphic Agency
I don't remember that number or that event ever happening at all 😆.
He will not divide us is back up, this time in New Mexico
They have those yellow Sorosâ„¢ signs. Fucking shills.
and they were chanting "only one solution, we need a revolution"
Meanwhile they all live in their moms basements
Fuck them
i wish someone would fuck shia up
Shia is a lunatic
I wish there was revolution is already obvious that they are going to be problematic regardless
Apparently his father is one of those Hollywood chimos
He was probably fucked by his dad for years
yes that is what i have heard
from what i have read about shia's growing up years, he lived a bizarre life
It's not Shia. Those yellow signs are Soros through & through.
Soros needs to die for humanities sake
yes soros signs
I believe that Trump & his administration knows all this. It's just a matter of time before Soros gets his
they probably have a web site printed at hte bottom but i haven't seen one close enough yet
I would love for them to implicate Obozo
Well- going by what I've seen, a lot of those people get hired on Craigslist & shit.
Obama & Clinton both
she has gotten really bold
have you seen her twitter. she says she is a "pant suit afficionado" etc
I wondered about that too. She tweeted something the other day in regards to pizzagate & fake news
I think that they've been going around trying to hide evidence & clean house (so to speak)