Message from @Atkins

Discord ID: 502479142822871050

2018-10-18 13:39:54 UTC  

Kinda like what the left did with those pictures of little girls at the border

2018-10-18 13:40:01 UTC  

the caravan or the payoff?

2018-10-18 13:40:02 UTC  

I remember that being done in palestine

2018-10-18 13:40:08 UTC  

Or was it syria

2018-10-18 13:40:09 UTC  

caravan, real, payoff who knows?

2018-10-18 13:40:15 UTC  

Oh the caravan

2018-10-18 13:40:18 UTC  

oh that caravan

2018-10-18 13:41:48 UTC  

Trump is threatening to close the southern border

2018-10-18 13:41:50 UTC  

that would be huge

2018-10-18 13:42:28 UTC  

I'm sure they're all "refugees" too

2018-10-18 13:42:58 UTC  

Tim he mentions a source here, but is not specific <>

2018-10-18 13:43:15 UTC  

The New Shepherd is very nice too and I think the New Gl- oh wait right refugees storming the border

2018-10-18 13:44:34 UTC  

Economic migrants shopping for the best deals

2018-10-18 13:48:52 UTC  

I don't think it has anything to do with the election, just a flood of border jumpers

2018-10-18 13:50:07 UTC  

Last migrant caravan was organized by NGOs

2018-10-18 13:50:50 UTC  

Ofc it's to do with the midterms. They are being paid to turn up and get separated right on time.

2018-10-18 13:51:22 UTC  

'woman and children first'

2018-10-18 13:51:32 UTC  

i dont believe it

2018-10-18 13:52:02 UTC  

wow if hes claiming it came form the US....

2018-10-18 13:52:15 UTC  

If it's not true then the Rep has put is neck on the line.

2018-10-18 13:52:43 UTC  

what's so hard to believe about it?

2018-10-18 13:53:17 UTC  

it sounds like nonsense

2018-10-18 13:53:38 UTC  

how so?

2018-10-18 13:53:53 UTC  

Coz it's too brazen.

2018-10-18 13:54:04 UTC  

its too obvious

2018-10-18 13:54:13 UTC  

too good to be true ?

2018-10-18 13:54:14 UTC  

this has happened before

2018-10-18 13:54:21 UTC  

That's why I don';t think Soros has anything todo with this./ He's got alot of eyes on him at the mo.

2018-10-18 13:54:27 UTC  

They aren't really good at hiding their intentions in general.

2018-10-18 13:54:30 UTC  

its like black propaganda

2018-10-18 13:54:43 UTC  

if soros was funding something like this theyd try to control the imagery

2018-10-18 13:54:50 UTC  

but ya know what

2018-10-18 13:54:53 UTC  

i cant get conspiratorial

2018-10-18 13:54:58 UTC  

i just need to make sure its not something else

2018-10-18 13:55:05 UTC  

like what if its people going to a concert in mexico

2018-10-18 13:55:21 UTC  

Omg hahaha

2018-10-18 13:55:22 UTC  

religious travel

2018-10-18 13:55:22 UTC  


2018-10-18 13:55:23 UTC  

omg hahaha