Message from @halafradrimx
Discord ID: 310852567154556939
that aren't nearly as pozzed
where :^)
40.5 now.
north dakota
and other places
it's time to work
and accelerate the economic decline
invest in bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies
@Coal Whoops, sorry about that Coal -- Miss click.
makes me want to pop out 10 white kids and teach them all to be nationalistic
what happened? @Master Sethern
@halafradrimx Whispers: *Greater Serbia*
@Shetlandsk Helliglov *gets wet*
@flooz you have to be white nationalist for that
because paper nationalism just won't cut it in this case
@Coal Just checking your tags, and I accidentally pressed the big green button.
But if there is someone to be scared shitless, it's the centrists
hopefully there should be incriminating evidence in the leaks
besides tax evasion?
emmanual is a crypto-jew
he'll be safe with the rest of the spirit cooking crew
fuckin' horrible
In a private letter to his brother Jérome Napoleon, dated 6 March 1808, Napoleon expressed a conflicting view:
I have undertaken to reform the Jews, but I have not endeavoured to draw more of them into my realm. Far from that, I have avoided doing anything which could show any esteem for the most despicable of mankind.
@Shetlandsk Helliglov Fucking scum browns
I hate them already
here you go fam
Steal one of these