Message from @yordanyordanov

Discord ID: 694193841477255298

2020-03-29 17:00:39 UTC  

Good men, bad times, bad times, strong men, strong men, good times. Same shit.

2020-03-29 18:04:24 UTC  

Most of my lefty friends got married more or less 5-6 years ago, had their children around 2016. So... they're still left, since they've missed most of what's been going on, or only followed through mainstream media...

2020-03-29 18:04:57 UTC  

Hopefully their kids will come out more conservative

2020-03-29 23:24:45 UTC  

Italian Documentary from 2015 talking about the Virology lab in Wuhan creating a Bat - SARS hybrid virus that could infect humans.

2020-03-30 06:56:59 UTC  

Man, someone really needs to get a good ol' 'boycott china and lobby for restricting trade with them' movement going. I'm just some rando on the internet so I have no ability to spread ideas unless I were to set up a webpage, but even I can see why this is a good time and write a short statement as to why literally everyone regardless of their political opinion should do so.

2020-03-30 14:28:45 UTC  

@EGBrandan Problem is it would most likely be extremely ineffective.

2020-03-30 14:29:29 UTC  

China is already reaching a point where it can dump US as a trading partner altogether and still survive. You guys are missing your opportunity.

2020-03-30 14:31:00 UTC  

In the past few years China tried everything they could do to spread their trade influence elsewhere by either cheap goods or debt traps, mostly both, and now they have us-the EU, Africa and a good portion of Asia in their back pocket.

2020-03-30 14:31:56 UTC  

Even if the US and UK trade block China it's probably not gonna topple them already. You would the EU or Russia to agree too and I'm telling you that's not onna happen either.

2020-03-30 14:33:21 UTC  

It means the Chinese are probably gonna loose a big bag of cash over the squabble with you but are going to emerge victorious after all and your boycott won't work, even worse-it might backfire as China boycotts you and offer better terms to anyone who follows.

2020-03-30 14:36:36 UTC  

ONLY a well coordinated and sustained effort by ALL and I really mean ALL major powers-US, UK former colonies, EU, Russia and may be Japan and India can topple them. I believe the US still has the opportunity to organize such a thing and use the many times when China screwed up poorer and less powerful nations as a rallying call to stop it before its too late but you are so busy squabbling between reds and blues on your home turf they you are missing a Golden opportunity to topple down the giant before it reaches your shores.

2020-03-30 14:37:02 UTC  

we'd have to get food producers on board

2020-03-30 14:37:06 UTC  

Only time will show how wrong you were to behave in such an irresponsible manner in these times of opportunity.

2020-03-30 14:37:17 UTC  

You could do it.

2020-03-30 14:37:42 UTC  

If you manage to get Russia and India on board that would be fatal for China.

2020-03-30 14:38:29 UTC  

I mean the Indians have a million reasons to support anyone who wants to topple China and they have been less than kind with the Russians too.

2020-03-30 14:39:09 UTC  

I mean there is STILL the possibility of a Global coalition that could stop the Ching-chong before it's too late but I don't believe the US can do it on its own.

2020-03-30 14:39:21 UTC  

China is too powerful for that now.

2020-03-30 14:39:44 UTC  

latina america too

2020-03-30 14:39:54 UTC  

china's trying to get food from them

2020-03-30 14:40:07 UTC  

Yes, they will loose a lot of money and they would be forced to scale down for some time but they have the EU, Russia, Africa and the Arabs.

2020-03-30 14:40:21 UTC  

It would be enough to stay afloat even without the US.

2020-03-30 14:40:44 UTC  

If you go on it all alone you are gonna loose.

2020-03-30 14:41:02 UTC  

Only a cooperation between nations can bring the Chinese down.

2020-03-30 14:41:28 UTC  

Otherwise soon they would be too powerful for anyone alone to be able to dispute with them.

2020-03-30 14:45:31 UTC  

We definitely need an anti-Chinese coalition, but not only the US standing all alone. That won't work.

2020-03-30 14:45:51 UTC  

We need the UK former colonies, the EU and Russia backing it up too.

2020-03-30 14:46:32 UTC  

United we can say NO to China, but if we do it piecemeal everyone for himself, the Chinese are gonna overrun us all.

2020-03-30 20:08:20 UTC  

Oh I agree, I'd like an international anti-china league.

2020-03-31 00:28:35 UTC  

because they suck the dick of the CPC too much, and the CPC says taiwan never happened lol

2020-03-31 00:41:33 UTC  

this whole situation has really shown how in the pocket of China WHO really is

2020-03-31 00:41:51 UTC  

we really need to take a look at WHO sooner rather than later

2020-03-31 00:43:50 UTC  

why not tear it apart and put it back together again, with the free world in influence this time

2020-03-31 00:47:03 UTC  

not a bad idea

2020-03-31 00:55:40 UTC  

along with the rest of the U.N.