Message from @TheCaledonian

Discord ID: 684542280308228126

2020-03-03 23:02:36 UTC  

Cenk for union busting

2020-03-03 23:05:47 UTC  

Cenk for... Giant Posters?

2020-03-03 23:10:31 UTC  

I would love it if people actually knew what the electoral college is for

2020-03-03 23:11:31 UTC  

Them: it ruins democracy!
Me: yes, thats the point, it was invented so Virginia didnt completely drown out Delaware

2020-03-03 23:12:14 UTC  

Just voted. No ID requirements, just had to verbally state a name and address.

2020-03-03 23:12:39 UTC  

The entire point of the US government is to 1.) prevent the mob from ruling the country 2.) To only function when a general consensus is formed, its SUPPOSED to be gridlocked

2020-03-03 23:12:40 UTC  

It's fucking incredible that Dems sperg out over election influence but preserve a system with zero integrity checks.

2020-03-03 23:13:07 UTC  

But thats racist

2020-03-03 23:13:16 UTC  

Black people are too stupid to get an ID

2020-03-03 23:14:05 UTC  

It's 2020. Anyone who doesn't have a photo ID of any kind doesn't have their shit together.

2020-03-03 23:14:25 UTC  

If someone can't be bothered to get an ID card, voting is the last thing on their mind.

2020-03-03 23:16:31 UTC  

***bUt ThAt'S rAciSt***

2020-03-03 23:20:16 UTC  

Voted in the Republican Primary today, for Trump obviously.

2020-03-03 23:22:43 UTC  

There was a proposition on the ballot to limit Texan reps. terms to twelve years, i voted yes on it.

2020-03-03 23:23:06 UTC  

I predict that Joe Biden will win most states in Super Tuesday, believe it or not.
I'm going to sleep now so I will probably find out when I wake up.

2020-03-03 23:24:12 UTC  

@Swedishmafia101 You'll find out when the Bernie bros chimp.

2020-03-03 23:24:12 UTC  

Voting for Trump is gay

2020-03-03 23:24:48 UTC  

@Dᴏᴏғᴜs Dᴏʀᴋᴍᴀɴᴇ it's only gay if the ballots touch.

2020-03-03 23:26:17 UTC  

So, do people actually think there will be riots? Because I don't think there will be. I think people will save it for T's reelection

2020-03-03 23:26:37 UTC  

There won't be riots

2020-03-03 23:27:02 UTC  

The far left WILL burn Milwaukee if the dems steal it from Sanders.

2020-03-03 23:27:12 UTC  


2020-03-03 23:27:19 UTC  

@me when it happens

2020-03-03 23:28:08 UTC  

I mean when does the far left NOT riot?

2020-03-03 23:28:48 UTC  

Where are they rioting now in the US?

2020-03-03 23:28:56 UTC  


2020-03-03 23:29:06 UTC  

Portland lmao

2020-03-03 23:29:21 UTC  

Also, who is John O. Brennan? Someone special?

2020-03-04 00:01:55 UTC  

Bernie projected to win Vermont, (no surprise)
Biden projected to win Virginia.

2020-03-04 00:02:43 UTC  

Reported by CBSN

2020-03-04 00:03:07 UTC  

@Dᴏᴏғᴜs Dᴏʀᴋᴍᴀɴᴇ

John Brennan is Former Head Spook

2020-03-04 00:03:25 UTC  

Which makes it even funnier

2020-03-04 00:15:46 UTC  

is there a map of super tuesday states and stuff

2020-03-04 00:15:49 UTC  


2020-03-04 00:15:52 UTC  

@Dᴏᴏғᴜs Dᴏʀᴋᴍᴀɴᴇ If he wins the presidency he'll make America the laughing stock of the world.

2020-03-04 00:17:08 UTC  

@Cragnathar The Destroyer i could post the CBSN stream im watching if you want

2020-03-04 00:17:16 UTC  


2020-03-04 00:17:39 UTC  

I would laugh if Bernie lost Vermont.