Message from @ARockRaider
Discord ID: 687018955277336601
-Zion Don
what he doesn't know is that the 2nd amendment really does protect even fully auto firearms as well
the more you look into how the founders thought the more you find they would have been totally cool with people owning their own tanks with working cannons.
not only that i think they would have WANTED the people to own their own tanks, and likely would own tanks as civilians.
B-But the system favors Men
Insurance Companies Agree to Waive Co-Pays on Coronavirus Testing: Pence
Fuck you Big Insurance
Insurance is kinda dumb
There should literally be a Coronavirus testing-r-us by now
They only recently opened up test production to the free market
That’s why there was a shortage
hold up, a teacher sent nudes to a student and didn't get jail time?
AND they were going to charge said teacher with child porno?
but this teacher got off by pleading to a single cound of "distributing obscene matter to a minor"?
ok, looks like this is saying she is getting some jail time, only half a year though.
"two and a half years with 2 years suspended"
wonder what a man would have gotten.
He'd have gotten killed in jail
I tend to not think about the fact that even the people in jail know that it's not ok to sexually abuse childeren.
Considering how high the population of sociopaths or ppl who have been victims themselves, particularly as a child that are in jail. Yea, they tend to not take kindly to child abuse, particularly of the sexual kind
I had never thought of that, although i had just thought of the point that the people in jail really have very little to lose in server some justice on such people.
Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones arrested for DWI in Travis County
```AUSTIN, Texas — Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones was arrested for driving while intoxicated early Tuesday morning, according to the Travis County Sheriff's Office.
Jones was booked on a DWI charge at 12:37 a.m.
His bond was set at $3,000.
Travis County says Jones was released on bond just after 4 a.m.
Further details were not immediately available.```
What's not often broached about in terms of our large prison population is the common denominator in most of these convicts. They typically come from broken families or victims of abuses themselves
it's something that i hadn't thought about but is kinda obvious once pointed out, like to the point where i ask myself "how did i know already know this?"
But of course, even having the GALL to bring up the fact that single parenting w/mothers or broken families via divorces creates these monstrosities. Compounding the fact that the education system tells young boys how full of shit, evil, and bad they are to the world. Why should it be any shock to anyone that these young boys turn into future violent criminals?
You automatically get labeled REEEEEEEEEE SEXIST
broken homes, looks to the 13%
and now i'm kinda depressed thinking about this.
because I have long thought that nature and nurture are bolth only parts of someone's personality, and that nurture can overcome most if not any of someone's nature should it be done properly.
so yah, criminals are mostly a failure of how a person was rased in a place like the US where the laws are assumed to be just.
It's a combination of both. Nurture can certainly amplify or mitigate someone's nature
right, that is a very good way to say it.
look at sociopaths
you can still teach the simple rules of "don't kill people and don't steal"
they have some of the genes to be a psychopath, but its inactive until certain environmental factors apply
oh, you were gonna say that anyways.
yeah, psychopaths, my gift to mankind on how to scare themselves into wondering who the real monsters are