Message from @Machinimal

Discord ID: 696408911854436413

2020-04-05 14:58:20 UTC  

This isn't just about the older or preexisting conditions. You guys do realize over 2/3rd of the US pop are either overweight/obese? There's also the infection and deaths on health care workers. How long can a health care system run w/there's a sudden drop of health care workers available due to either sickness or death? This isn't just about your own little world, but thanks for letting us all know how little fucks you give about everyone else other than yourself.

2020-04-05 15:46:23 UTC  


2020-04-05 15:46:55 UTC  

part of that is based on BMI, which is bullshit

2020-04-05 15:47:11 UTC  

if you weigh 220 at 6 foot you're considered overweight

2020-04-05 15:47:28 UTC  

regardless of whether you look like a blob or you look like arnold in his prime

2020-04-05 15:49:16 UTC  

BMI is basically used by insurance to jew people out of getting better coverage or rates

2020-04-05 15:53:16 UTC  

... Pretty sure 2/3rd of the pop are not Arnolds walking around

2020-04-05 15:53:30 UTC  

But if that's what makes you feel better, sure go ahead and think that

2020-04-05 16:01:31 UTC  

Anything that increases ACE2 expression is going to fuck you

2020-04-05 16:01:42 UTC  

Obesity, smoking, living in a smog covered hellhole, etc

2020-04-05 17:11:57 UTC  

overweight could be anywhere between 5 pounds and 50

2020-04-05 17:12:14 UTC  

it's really nebulous data

2020-04-05 17:14:27 UTC  

roughly 30% are obese, more than 40% overweight

2020-04-05 17:14:58 UTC  

all of which are defined by BMI

2020-04-05 17:16:01 UTC  

most people who do physical labor of some sort would be considered overweight, irrespective of how big their gut is

2020-04-05 17:17:13 UTC  

and obese is defined as being over 20% of standard BMI

2020-04-05 17:17:47 UTC  

so someone who has enough fat+musculature could be considered obese even if they're relatively healthy

2020-04-05 17:20:13 UTC  

only 6.6% of the US population in 2010 was morbidly obese

2020-04-05 17:20:23 UTC  

probably all of them *actually* overweight

2020-04-05 17:20:34 UTC  

since it'd be insane to put on that much muscle

2020-04-05 19:26:16 UTC  

Do Governors always shift the blame to the Federal government and Presidency?

2020-04-05 21:44:43 UTC  

“Yeah, Obama depleted the reserve of N95 masks during the H1N1 Epidemic in ‘09, but it’s Trump’s fault for not replenishing it”

2020-04-05 21:54:51 UTC  

How the fuck are they testing animals when there aren't any tests available for citizens

2020-04-05 22:06:59 UTC  

animal rights > human rights

2020-04-05 22:11:07 UTC  


2020-04-05 22:14:46 UTC  

That can’t be fucking real

2020-04-05 22:15:06 UTC  

They may need to see if animals have been infected by a mutated form of Covid and if they are capable of dying from it. If so, that would kill an insurmountable amount of wildlife and it would really dislodge the nations ecosystem

2020-04-05 22:23:13 UTC  

let it spread, let it spread, cant hold it back anymore!!!

2020-04-05 22:26:38 UTC  

So test cows, pigs, and chickens... because no one is going to starve if we can't eat tigers

2020-04-05 22:28:08 UTC  


2020-04-05 22:28:55 UTC  

Tiger meat is prolly good

2020-04-05 22:30:18 UTC  

Yep, NYC Zoo tigers and lions now have Covid 19

2020-04-05 22:30:49 UTC  

JuSt A fLu

2020-04-05 22:32:15 UTC  

No one important

2020-04-05 22:40:04 UTC  

lol #TrumpIsALoser is trending on twitter

2020-04-05 22:40:57 UTC  

but we've known that for awhile 😉