Message from @faultfiction

Discord ID: 694903507882344459

2020-04-01 13:29:33 UTC  

its interesting though... the guardian lost huge numbers of readers, but started begging for donations and subscriptions from its core reader base... and although it haemorrhaged readers it actually increased its profits for the first time in decades

2020-04-01 13:29:42 UTC  

Guardian is about 50/50, but even the news is cast through such a partisan lens, it might as well be opinion

2020-04-01 13:29:54 UTC  

so theres no wonder its just heading more and more partisan

2020-04-01 13:30:11 UTC  

yeah I was going to say, there isn't just opinion and news, there's also cherrypicking too

2020-04-01 13:31:37 UTC  

I'd be sad if Guardian went under - they're a gold mine of lolcow-worthy articles

2020-04-01 13:31:46 UTC  


2020-04-01 13:31:53 UTC  

when theres a story... and you see its from independent, guardian, guido... you already know, without even knowing the details, what their side of the story will be about

2020-04-01 13:32:20 UTC  

Plus the Mail

2020-04-01 13:32:35 UTC  

Good luck getting @faultfiction to understand that, wacka

2020-04-01 13:33:17 UTC  

you could just write FF instead of tagging me Eccles

2020-04-01 13:34:21 UTC  

Where's the fun in that?

2020-04-01 13:34:38 UTC  

and you can see they will change depending on their core base too

2020-04-01 13:35:03 UTC  

like if you read guardian articles prior to early 2016 you will mainly see anti-EU articles

2020-04-01 13:35:16 UTC  


2020-04-01 13:35:17 UTC  


2020-04-01 13:35:24 UTC  

so what changed?

2020-04-01 13:35:28 UTC  

in fact I think it was owen jones who coined the term lexit

2020-04-01 13:35:52 UTC  

well, I guess the same thing that changed in the Labour party itself

2020-04-01 13:37:29 UTC  

that's when this shit seemed to kick off properly

2020-04-01 13:38:09 UTC  

actually it was about 2014

2020-04-01 13:38:26 UTC  

> like if you read guardian articles prior to early 2016 you will mainly see anti-EU articles
wish there was a tinfoil hat emoji for this lmao

2020-04-01 13:38:53 UTC  

you think it's a conspiracy that the guardian changed?

2020-04-01 13:39:36 UTC  

Labour party has changed massively over the last 10 years

2020-04-01 13:40:06 UTC  

The Guardian obviously has changed because its in the nature of organisations to change. Not that it registes in this server.

2020-04-01 13:40:08 UTC  

They'd spent the preceding 35 years expunging the fuckwit communists and hardline socialists in order to make themselves vaguely electable, and now that's totally reversed

2020-04-01 13:40:13 UTC  

Labour party before that was centre-left globalist

2020-04-01 13:40:31 UTC  

Labour hasn't been proper Labour for like 20 odd years

2020-04-01 13:40:35 UTC  

Labour became centre-left globlist in the mid 90s

2020-04-01 13:40:41 UTC  


2020-04-01 13:40:44 UTC  

Labour was left-wing nationalist prior to that

2020-04-01 13:41:05 UTC  

But making up dumbfuck conspiracies of *pRiOr tO 2016 aKcTuAlLy dEy wRe aNtI Eu* is just laughable

2020-04-01 13:41:28 UTC  

based on what?

2020-04-01 13:41:45 UTC  

One guy tells you that and you lap it up

2020-04-01 13:41:48 UTC  

Are there some examples of Guardian articles then and now that illustrate this?

2020-04-01 13:41:52 UTC  

hardly surprising in this server

2020-04-01 13:42:02 UTC  

I'm not lapping it up, that's why I said "seriously?"

2020-04-01 13:42:32 UTC  

i'd like to see some articles

2020-04-01 13:43:02 UTC  

Me too, im sure Eccles will soon get a notifcation from the Central Team at Guido who're doing some hardcore journalism to find out Guardian and its EU flip flops

2020-04-01 13:43:39 UTC  
