Message from @Malac

Discord ID: 685499376877174784

2020-03-06 14:45:28 UTC  

We know the answer

2020-03-06 14:45:30 UTC  

That's "infection rate"

2020-03-06 14:45:41 UTC  

vaccine efficacy

2020-03-06 14:45:46 UTC  

in teh package insert

2020-03-06 14:45:51 UTC  

very low

2020-03-06 14:45:55 UTC  


2020-03-06 14:45:57 UTC  

oh yeah I said I was gonna ignore the troll, will be easier if I block

2020-03-06 14:45:58 UTC  


2020-03-06 14:46:09 UTC  

Flu vaccine is 60% effective

2020-03-06 14:46:15 UTC  


2020-03-06 14:46:18 UTC  

High school biology was a mistake

2020-03-06 14:46:32 UTC  

60% effective at making you sick

2020-03-06 14:46:42 UTC  

Holy shit we got a conspiritard

2020-03-06 14:46:47 UTC  

You get people like Greasy who think they understand pathogens because they went over a textbook chapter on viruses

2020-03-06 14:46:55 UTC  

to answer the people that are not retarded trolls, you don't get infection rates for flu because the general popluation does not report getting infected with the flu. hell, I have it right now.

2020-03-06 14:47:04 UTC  

my body my choice , right?

2020-03-06 14:47:53 UTC  

I don't get the flu shot because I like to exercise my immune system from time to time <:BIGBRAIN:501101491428392991>

2020-03-06 14:48:09 UTC  

hahaha not "retarded trolls"
All three of the statements you made earlier were false. Calling us "retarded trolls" is a reach <:Veemote:501103628883591188>

2020-03-06 14:49:20 UTC  

@Malac you're the one coming in here like "oh I understand that there's a reasonable chance that millions will die, but it wouldn't be reasonable to say you're at risk of dying". your understanding may be valid or it may not be, but your reasoning is clearly flawed

2020-03-06 14:49:45 UTC  

@Greasy I understand a million boomers will perish. Yes

2020-03-06 14:49:47 UTC  


2020-03-06 14:49:59 UTC  

My demographic is very low chance at dying

2020-03-06 14:50:11 UTC  

Vaccines don't weaken your immune system. Not short-term, not long-term.
The opposite is true, it strengthens it, and not only against the virus that you're vaccinating against.

2020-03-06 14:50:22 UTC  

All good for me because I'll get a cheap, good quality home

2020-03-06 14:50:30 UTC  

Vaccines are literally training for your immune system.

2020-03-06 14:50:43 UTC  

yeah like somewhere between 1/100 and 1/10000. dunno if I'd like to chance those odds, also I've got family you know? kinda want to worry about not infecting them

2020-03-06 14:50:47 UTC  

It's like your immune system gets a good workout.

2020-03-06 14:51:02 UTC  

@Greasy You wont matter when it comes to infecting them

2020-03-06 14:51:20 UTC  

You face a greater odds when you ride on a highway

2020-03-06 14:51:29 UTC  


2020-03-06 14:51:36 UTC  

Life is a game of odds

2020-03-06 14:52:17 UTC  

Your parents and family are more likely to die from something entirely outside of your control

2020-03-06 14:52:20 UTC  

Does that scare you?

2020-03-06 14:52:23 UTC  

to the first comment there though, if I can find out when the virus is in the area maybe I can keep them out of public

2020-03-06 14:52:41 UTC  

Your precious kinfolk. All dead because someone else infected them

2020-03-06 14:52:51 UTC  

And there wasn't a thing you could do

2020-03-06 14:53:09 UTC  

So you're saying life is deadly? <:poggers:583775485620781087>

2020-03-06 14:53:10 UTC  

and no, the odds of dying from random shit does not scare me, I understand and have researched these things - just take me seriously as an educated person for one second

2020-03-06 14:53:22 UTC  

The coronavirus is random shit

2020-03-06 14:53:23 UTC  

@Greasy You've shown you're not that

2020-03-06 14:53:29 UTC  
