Message from @Greasy

Discord ID: 685500434751684651

2020-03-06 14:50:11 UTC  

Vaccines don't weaken your immune system. Not short-term, not long-term.
The opposite is true, it strengthens it, and not only against the virus that you're vaccinating against.

2020-03-06 14:50:22 UTC  

All good for me because I'll get a cheap, good quality home

2020-03-06 14:50:30 UTC  

Vaccines are literally training for your immune system.

2020-03-06 14:50:43 UTC  

yeah like somewhere between 1/100 and 1/10000. dunno if I'd like to chance those odds, also I've got family you know? kinda want to worry about not infecting them

2020-03-06 14:50:47 UTC  

It's like your immune system gets a good workout.

2020-03-06 14:51:02 UTC  

@Greasy You wont matter when it comes to infecting them

2020-03-06 14:51:20 UTC  

You face a greater odds when you ride on a highway

2020-03-06 14:51:29 UTC  


2020-03-06 14:51:36 UTC  

Life is a game of odds

2020-03-06 14:52:17 UTC  

Your parents and family are more likely to die from something entirely outside of your control

2020-03-06 14:52:20 UTC  

Does that scare you?

2020-03-06 14:52:23 UTC  

to the first comment there though, if I can find out when the virus is in the area maybe I can keep them out of public

2020-03-06 14:52:41 UTC  

Your precious kinfolk. All dead because someone else infected them

2020-03-06 14:52:51 UTC  

And there wasn't a thing you could do

2020-03-06 14:53:09 UTC  

So you're saying life is deadly? <:poggers:583775485620781087>

2020-03-06 14:53:10 UTC  

and no, the odds of dying from random shit does not scare me, I understand and have researched these things - just take me seriously as an educated person for one second

2020-03-06 14:53:22 UTC  

The coronavirus is random shit

2020-03-06 14:53:23 UTC  

@Greasy You've shown you're not that

2020-03-06 14:53:29 UTC  


2020-03-06 14:53:51 UTC  

There will be a vaccine eventually, it'll probably take a year as per usual. And then it's all back to business.

2020-03-06 14:53:59 UTC  

you've shown that your reasoning is poor, so I can accept that you'd reach poor conclusions from reasonable evidence to the contrary

2020-03-06 14:54:09 UTC  

My reasoning? Poor?

2020-03-06 14:54:20 UTC  

*Your reasoning is poor Senpai*

2020-03-06 14:54:23 UTC  

You're using emotional reasoning

2020-03-06 14:54:32 UTC  

Three consecutive false statements

2020-03-06 14:54:34 UTC  

You're afraid

2020-03-06 14:54:42 UTC  

*Your reasoning is poor*

2020-03-06 14:54:42 UTC  

your reasoning is poor? very, but it's beside the point. I answer you and you reply with an attack rather than a continuation

2020-03-06 14:54:49 UTC  

I'm not. I'm not influenced by it

2020-03-06 14:55:12 UTC  

It'll be another flu. It'll gradually infect people over a few years

2020-03-06 14:55:17 UTC  

The vaccine will be developed

2020-03-06 14:55:24 UTC  

And life, as always, goes on

2020-03-06 14:55:39 UTC  

this is literally "blah blah blah can't hear you I'm good over here, what are you gonna cry? you

2020-03-06 14:55:55 UTC  

The vulnerable die out and the unaffected continue on.

2020-03-06 14:56:07 UTC  

the lucky live and the unlucky die

2020-03-06 14:56:17 UTC  

play the odds you just worshipped, fool

2020-03-06 14:56:21 UTC  

There is no such thing as lucky and unlucky

2020-03-06 14:56:28 UTC  

There is healthy and unhealth

2020-03-06 14:56:34 UTC  

It's actually funny because all those *chad panic conzoomers* are making it more likely that the doctors and nurses who can treat them will die <:smugon:512048583806025739>

2020-03-06 14:56:51 UTC  

The virus has no will