Message from @ᚠᚢᛖᛚᛖᛞᛒᚣᚳᚨᚿᚳᛖᚱ

Discord ID: 688076387441180733

2020-03-13 17:15:32 UTC  

Buy yourself a canned happy meal

1. do jack shit to stop the spread. 2. get massive numbers of infected. 3. panic <:smugon:512048583806025739>

2020-03-13 17:15:59 UTC  

> 1. do jack shit to stop the spread. 2. get massive numbers of infected. 3. panic <:smugon:512048583806025739>

2020-03-13 17:16:04 UTC  


It didint have to become an national emergency if you just did your part to stop the spread from chyna trump <:smugon:512048583806025739>

2020-03-13 17:17:12 UTC  

Excuse me
but you helped them through Harvard

be more like taiwan numba yuan

2020-03-13 17:17:45 UTC  

Taiwan man IS worthy of all my respect

@Sq crcl I have 99,5% 25 L of propan-2-ol what do?


2020-03-13 17:23:16 UTC  


2020-03-13 17:23:24 UTC  

Get a lab

already have

2020-03-13 17:23:44 UTC  


is used for disinfectant there

2020-03-13 17:24:13 UTC  

But it's also a great ingredient

2020-03-13 17:24:28 UTC  

Tedious to produce

2020-03-13 17:28:44 UTC  

Deutsche Bank is the 2nd or 1st main coffer for the EU

fuck of germ

i have uv lamp reeeeeeeeee

2020-03-13 17:35:33 UTC

@Sq crcl not by italy?

2020-03-13 17:45:56 UTC  

Caught **red** handed

2020-03-13 17:46:08 UTC  

This cannot be

2020-03-13 18:49:57 UTC  

what's the napkin-version of that PDF?

2020-03-13 18:52:14 UTC  

if I understood it, looks like there might be some meds soon to test on live subjects

2020-03-13 18:54:35 UTC  

First one is a paper on using Deep Learning to screen lots of compounds to come up with a few thousand that should probably be tested.

2020-03-13 18:55:58 UTC  

Second is since you can get both a positive screening for normal flu does not mean you don't have the WuFlu as well.

2020-03-13 18:59:27 UTC  

I'm actually not sure what is special about the third, that seems to be a description of how most of the current kits work:
> This protocol shows an accuracy and sensitivity limit of 1-10 virus particles as we tested with a known lentivirus. The cost for each sample is estimated to be less than 15 US dollars. Overall time it takes for an entire protocol is estimated to be less than 4 hours. We propose a cost-effective, quick-and-easy method for early detection of SARS-CoV-2 at any conventional Biosafety Level II laboratories that are equipped with a rtPCR machine. Our newly developed protocol should be helpful for a first-hand screening of the asymptomatic virus-carriers for further prevention of transmission and early intervention and treatment for the rapidly propagating virus.

2020-03-13 19:05:12 UTC  

well .. about that second, I know some doctors here, who have been playing around with concept of:

> The flu test are fast and trustworthy. Sooooo ... if a coofer that looks like flu comes in, we do quick Flu A and Flu B tests, and if those both fail, we can send it to do that long-ass Wuflu test

2020-03-13 19:05:59 UTC  

It works, it's just not a foolproof way of finding out if they have WuFlu.

2020-03-13 19:06:23 UTC  

I really get annoyed by people, who complain that "there is not enough testing", because they think that doing an antigen kit is as fast as taking a pregnency test

2020-03-13 19:06:37 UTC  

That third one is actually about coming up with possible self administered kits and wide distribution of them as I read it over further.

read the full article first maybe <:smugon:512048583806025739>

2020-03-13 19:07:58 UTC  

@ᚠᚢᛖᛚᛖᛞᛒᚣᚳᚨᚿᚳᛖᚱ lemme guess - the tests still will take long-ass time and a lot of manpower

2020-03-13 19:09:13 UTC  

(I really don't want to read scientific papers, since I am currently learning about PostgreSQL, that I will need for my next job)