Message from @snake

Discord ID: 686909016781488150

2020-03-10 10:41:37 UTC  


2020-03-10 10:41:54 UTC  

Once again, Dabney was right

2020-03-10 10:42:53 UTC  

> This [Northern conservatism] is a party which never conserves anything. Its history has been that it demurs to each aggression of the progressive party, and aims to save its credit by a respectable amount of growling, but always acquiesces at last in the innovation. What was the resisted novelty of yesterday is today one of the accepted principles of conservatism; it is now conservative only in affecting to resist the next innovation, which will tomorrow be forced upon its timidity and will be succeeded by some third revolution; to be denounced and then adopted in its turn. American conservatism is merely the shadow that follows Radicalism as it moves forward towards perdition.

- Robert Lewis Dabney Chaplain, Confederate Army; Chief of Staff, Stonewall Jackson

2020-03-10 10:46:03 UTC  

And so was Mencius Moldbug

2020-03-10 10:46:58 UTC  

> Cthulhu may swim slowly. But he only swims left. Isn’t that interesting?
> In the history of American democracy, if you take the mainstream political position (the Overton Window) at time T₁, and place it on the map at a later time T₂, T₁ is always way to the right, near the fringe or outside it. So, for instance, if you take the average segregationist voter of 1963 and let him vote in the 2008 election, he will be way out on the wacky right wing. Cthulhu has passed him by.
> Where is the John Birch Society, now? What about the NAACP? Cthulhu swims left, and left, and left. There are a few brief periods of true reaction in American history—the post-Reconstruction era or Redemption, the Return to Normalcy of Harding, and a couple of others. But they are unusual and feeble compared to the great leftward shift. Nor, most important for our hypothesis, did they come from the universities; in the 20th century, periods of reaction are always periods of anti-university activity. (McCarthyism is especially noticeable as such. And you’ll note that McCarthy didn’t exactly win.)

2020-03-10 10:49:46 UTC

2020-03-10 10:59:27 UTC  

Just fucking eat the end of a shotgun barrel thunder mark rofl

2020-03-10 11:13:46 UTC  

Just kidding, don’t actually do that though cuz then the cyber police will kick my door in

2020-03-10 11:29:35 UTC

2020-03-10 11:29:51 UTC  

Brain damage made him a cuck

2020-03-10 11:30:13 UTC  

<:pepelaugh:544857300179877898> <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898> <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

2020-03-10 11:46:00 UTC  

LOL <:pot_of_kek:544849795433496586>

2020-03-10 11:47:29 UTC  


2020-03-10 11:56:43 UTC  

Thunder you don’t understand, a open relationship is open, so any man or woman can come in and there is no checks on that. Plus, yeah sex is only meant for procreation dude, you get joy out of it because you enjoy building a family and having a relationship. You need your biology to tell you to reproduce however when your gf or wife is banging another guy you can’t know for sure if it’s your kid/child or not.

2020-03-10 11:58:10 UTC  

That’s why it’s discouraged, plus open relationships aren’t stable, because then your wife will simply look for better guys and you for better girls. But that’s not actually what you’re supposed to be doing, unless you are *outside* of a relationship and are single.

2020-03-10 12:01:45 UTC  

You probably think a lot of the old traditions are outdated but they aren’t. Grug brained “it’s a abomination to god” types would probably outlive you in a apocalypse situation.

2020-03-10 12:03:14 UTC  

Because people don’t need to know all of the scientific reasons of why not to do something to survive, in fact scientific knowledge can __backfire__ if it’s incomplete compared to the grug brained “just follow tradition”

2020-03-10 12:09:57 UTC  

So you come in and tell people “oh cuckholdry is fine, there isn’t a scientific reason not to do so.” And the tribe starts allowing these “open relationships”. Well, problem, the fathers of children no longer know if the child is theirs. And no man wants to raise a child that isn’t theirs, because they’re investing a lot of resources into the child and the wife, so they want to make sure it’s their own kin, their genes passing on their bloodline. Because it’s very well possible that they raise a bunch of kids that aren’t theirs and their genes don’t pass on. This creates the tribe to lose social cohesion and trust, and might result in a lot of single motherhood

2020-03-10 12:11:11 UTC  

Now I don’t believe I have to tell you why single motherhood is a cancer, but that’s not the only going on either, there is a lot of drama and fighting between men who think they’ve been cheated on

2020-03-10 12:11:57 UTC  

And it’s all because you, a big brained skeptic (tm) “enlightened” them with half of the scientific facts

2020-03-10 12:13:27 UTC  


2020-03-10 12:26:46 UTC  

@Andrew Popa 2.0 do you disagree? I mean be honest

2020-03-10 12:28:59 UTC

2020-03-10 12:31:08 UTC  

Again this is another retarded point, we have combat data showing women make trash soldiers with exceptions to sniping and pilots. Also this

2020-03-10 12:31:58 UTC  

Men are expendable biologically, 10 men can’t impregnate the same woman but 10 women can be impregnated by the same guy. Meaning men are cheap resource/security bots

2020-03-10 13:02:11 UTC  

@snake I don't really care tbh. This is basically just irrelevant talk that doesn't affect policy whatsoever, I just sit and spectate.

2020-03-10 13:10:56 UTC  

>outdoing the left in degeneracy to own the libtards

2020-03-10 13:11:43 UTC

2020-03-10 13:39:16 UTC  

The Kosher Sandwich

2020-03-10 14:14:44 UTC  

If everything is conservative, nothing is. Brilliant, just gotta keep moving the goalpost.
How much longer until the family structure is no longer considered a conservative value? Judging from all the other "this is not a conservative view", it will happen eventually. And then we're all fucked, it's game over.

2020-03-10 14:15:28 UTC  

When I said there are no functional polyamorous relationships, I meant it. There are none, not a single one. Nada, zero. They're all dysfunctional.

2020-03-10 14:17:03 UTC  

Deep down most people know this, but the argument of sexual liberation is used like a stick to beat them down with if they dare to speak up. The ones wanting stability and functionality are shamed, instead of the other way around. This is fact, it's become a culture in schools.

2020-03-10 14:17:48 UTC  

"What, you wouldn't bang Pamela Anderson? Are you gay?"
"What, you wouldn't test drive your girlfriend before marrying her? Are you a religious fundamentalist nutcase?"

2020-03-10 14:18:57 UTC  

This is very real and it's happening everywhere. And it's the reason why I understand that some people think pornogaphy is harmful to our children, because they think pornography has caused this (which it definitely has not, but that's missing the point).

2020-03-10 14:19:56 UTC  

When degenerates rule society and the nuclear family falls apart, the nation inevitably falls apart with it.

2020-03-10 14:28:46 UTC  
2020-03-10 15:01:21 UTC  

@Monstrous Moonshine how could people possibly live without taking a shit?

2020-03-10 15:01:37 UTC  

the black's greatest technological achievement