Message from @Dusty Morgan
Discord ID: 504910733218152449
You're so funny, Michael ❤
Does anyone think the USA will take lethal force if necessary? If so, thoughts on whether other countries retaliate as a result?
all right then
IF the crowd gets violent, attacking and even attempting to murder our citizens and military personal.
Yes they would have to use lethal force.
Diversity, not sure if it is, but untrained immigrants surely aren't
the spookiest costume of the year, the dissapearing @
Are you trying to get me hot?
All that... well, not muscle... 🤔
...and thus the retardation begins
Some pregnant lady is going to die to shrapnel or something ludicrous
#BuildTheWall is stupid, just stop bending over to people who keep letting illegal aliens in
And there will be a chorus of Orange Man Bad
rip the west's dignity
Honestly I'm more skeptical of the right at this point
Partially me too
I'm skeptical of everyone
Things stack up way too well in their favor right now
It's best to be critical of everyone
so you don't get jumped when you least expect it
Democrats have become to set on opposing Trump that they became incompetent...
And if they become the new prevailing voice, entropy will happen and they will find some new way to be retarded
That is why things are just setting up too well for Republicans.
It is a problem of their own making...
They made their bed, now they have to lay in it.
It's a pendulum, don't think anyone is the "good guy"
Right now they totally look like the good guy
democrats: man why arent we having a blue wave?
also democrats: what bullshit shall we do today
So I'm not looking forward to seeing how they fuck it up