Message from @Cpt. Ovidiu
Discord ID: 684513977749078077
Racism transcends the ages
Making jokes about the Jews is funny and easy but literally believing they have some secret plot is for the mentally weak
the best jokes abou the jews, are made by the jews
Speaking of jews
I’m Guatemalan
So I was baptized catholic
But we recently found out that in the early 1800s all the Guatemalans were Jewish
@Papa John's Day of Reckoning the secret cabal that you are in it's so secret, even you don't know about it
And the Spanish came over to Guatemala and to avoid persecution everyone pretended to be catholic
Poland had shit ton of jews
Get the gas chambers ready!
So the children of these Jews grew up thinking they were catholic and that’s how the entire county was converted to Catholicism
So basically
I’m a Jew
And yes, the cabal of Jewish people that I’m in is so secret
if we think about the culture
Not even the members know they’re in it
Would you like to try a shower?
> the jews control everything, even the god of the christians it's a jew
What a chad Jew u are
CEO of heaven is a jew , omg
@Skoal 7/10 boomer meme
Haha I know
I love it
Boomer memes are hilarious to me
Sorry I sent the wrong meme
this looks more like a greek though
That’s cuz it’s a chad
Why does that meme get posted by a different person every week
It was funny the first like 10 times