Message from @Harrybaxter♫♫♩♫‿◦

Discord ID: 684523246195834946

2020-03-03 22:06:23 UTC  

he likes big gay icecream

2020-03-03 22:06:42 UTC  


2020-03-03 22:07:05 UTC

2020-03-03 22:07:23 UTC

2020-03-03 22:07:31 UTC  

hassidic jews are kinda fucked up

2020-03-03 22:07:43 UTC  

They are disgusting

2020-03-03 22:07:52 UTC  

acidic juice

2020-03-03 22:08:35 UTC  

As an agnostic Jewish person I abstain from inputting my opinion

2020-03-03 22:08:49 UTC  


2020-03-03 22:08:58 UTC  

My response is that Idgaf

2020-03-03 22:09:25 UTC

2020-03-03 22:09:46 UTC  

reincarnation niggas be like

2020-03-03 22:09:51 UTC  


2020-03-03 22:10:32 UTC  

Imagine believing in reincarnation tho

2020-03-03 22:10:45 UTC  

More retarded than representing their beliefs incorrectly

2020-03-03 22:10:48 UTC  

theres a guy in this server who does

2020-03-03 22:10:54 UTC  

He’s a retard

2020-03-03 22:10:59 UTC  

i forget his name, but hes a tard

2020-03-03 22:11:00 UTC

2020-03-03 22:11:22 UTC  

God fuck that’s me

2020-03-03 22:11:38 UTC  

If I can make 1 person laugh it’s worth it

2020-03-03 22:11:47 UTC  

Same bro <:comfort:592107824826417204>

2020-03-03 22:11:51 UTC

2020-03-03 22:12:00 UTC  

I laugh easily so rest comfortably

2020-03-03 22:12:23 UTC

2020-03-03 22:12:42 UTC  

This server has a high concentration of stuff that makes me laugh. No meme page does better than here

2020-03-03 22:12:48 UTC  

Idk where I stole this from so forgive repost

2020-03-03 22:13:04 UTC  

This one is so old but it makes me laugh every time

2020-03-03 22:13:23 UTC  

2020-03-03 22:13:34 UTC  

I would this tbh but I’m ngl the memes in this server are kinda shit IMO, too many normies and reposts, but I try my best to make as many good memes find their way here

2020-03-03 22:13:55 UTC  

O fuk thx for pinning me @Comando <:comfort:592107824826417204>

2020-03-03 22:14:07 UTC  

Welcome to the cool kids club

2020-03-03 22:14:21 UTC  

My lecacy solidified day by day

2020-03-03 22:14:23 UTC  

i would also berry my dick

2020-03-03 22:14:51 UTC  

Berry Peenor

2020-03-03 22:14:57 UTC  

I don’t really have any good memes on my phone